Chapter 445 Youth Doesn’t Pain (4)

The karaoke area is having fun.

At this point in time, Ye Xingchen should have come here too, so is he here?
Sang Jian was about to take a look over there, but out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly spotted a person sitting in the corner to his left.

She glanced sideways.

The man was thin and wearing a school uniform, with black shattered hair lying limply on his head, clean and well-behaved.

He sat upright on the sofa with his head down, not knowing what he was thinking.

This appearance seemed out of place with the noisy surroundings.

Yo, cutie!
Sang Jian basically confirmed at a glance that this person was Ye Xingchen.

She got up suddenly, stepped on ten centimeter high heels, walked towards Ye Xingchen, and sat down beside him.

The sofa is very soft, just as Sang Jian sat down, the sofa sank.

It alarmed Ye Xingchen who had been in a daze beside him.

He raised his head and looked at Sang Jian with a somewhat confused tilt.

Sang Jian had heavy makeup on his face and was dressed so sexy and hot, no man would not want to take a second look.

But Ye Xingchen just took a look, and when he saw her half-revealed career peak, he quickly looked away.

He called out in a low voice, "Sang sees my sister."

This is Su Ziwen's sister, whom he knows.

In the original world, Su Sangjian had always been kind to Ye Xingchen, because she felt that Ye Xingchen was good at studying and should be able to inspire Su Ziwen.

It was precisely because he was kind to him that Ye Xingchen didn't feel any rejection towards her.

Sang Jian could just take advantage of this, treat him honestly, and even... tease him.

"Why don't you go and play with them?" Sang Jian leaned on the sofa and asked him casually.

Ye Xingchen clenched his hands into fists and put them on his thighs, seeming a little nervous, "I'm...not used to it."

This was the first time he was alone with her.

In the past, Sang Jian brought Su Ziwen to talk to him.

He understood what Sang Jian meant, and wanted him to inspire Su Ziwen.

It's a pity that Su Ziwen has never liked studying, and he can't help it.

There is also the current scene, the people in these county towns, the way of making friends and having fun is too casual.

It looks very cool, but he has learned all kinds of etiquette of wealthy families since he was a child, and now he is so unruly and unrestrained, he still can't get used to it for the time being.

Sang Jian nodded, and asked knowingly: "I have never heard of Su Zi hearing about your family. It seems that you don't look like us here. Are you from the city?"

After saying this, she saw a pack of cigarettes on the coffee table, and couldn't help reaching out to take it, flicked one out, stuffed it into her mouth, and lit it skillfully.

The original owner joined the society early, these are things that people in the society do, and she has learned everything without falling behind.

After all, when I see old customers, I have to loose one from time to time.


The bad smell of cigarettes made Ye Xingchen frowned and coughed.

Sang Jian was taken aback for a moment.

I got addicted to cigarettes, and I forgot that the person next to me was a good student, so I stopped smoking.

"Sorry." Sang Jian apologized.

Ye Xingchen thought she would put out the cigarette.

Who knew that Sang Jian suddenly stood up and said hello, "I'll go outside to smoke a cigarette and come back."

Joke, smoke out?

After speaking, he lifted his legs and prepared to leave.

Ye Xingchen saw that she was wearing very little clothes and her plump and sexy figure was exposed, and she didn't know what was on her mind, so she called out to her.

"Sang sees sister."


Sang Jian had a cigarette in his mouth and looked back at him.

Ye Xingchen: "..."

Suddenly I don't know what to say.

  The sixth child is here!

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  Thank you for your rewards, good night~

  In the last few days, I will be busy moving. It may be very busy. It is already good to be able to stabilize the update. I will add updates to everyone when I stabilize.

(End of this chapter)

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