Chapter 447 Youth Doesn’t Pain (6)

The private room is very big, he and Sang Jian didn't notice what happened in this corner, but the people in the karaoke area over there.

But the terrible singing of that group brought Ye Xingchen, who was immersed in Sang Jian's sexiness, back to his senses.

He frowned and glanced at Su Ziwen.

Su Ziwen cuddled with a group of brothers and grabbed the microphone, and the few cases of beer next to them were basically opened.

Looks very happy.

Before, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Su Ziwen like this, but now he just feels...

Mud can't support the wall.

His sister had paid so much for his studies, but he only cared about his own happiness, and didn't even say a word of concern to his sister.

Ye Xingchen lowered his eyes.

If someone is willing to pay so much for him and treat him so well, he is reluctant to let that person down on him.


After Sang Jian left the private room, he was smoking a cigarette in the corridor by the door.

The entire bar is on the second floor, and the second floor is hollowed out, so you can clearly see the situation on the first floor from the corridor on the second floor.

Sang Jian leaned against the railing with a cigarette in his mouth, watching the young men and women downstairs who were having fun, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This small county town is very chaotic, and minors can enter this kind of place at will. It can even be said that most of the income sources are minors, or some punks who dropped out of school early, and no one will take care of them at all.

Anyone who is promising or yearns for the outside world has already gone to a bigger city to start a new life.

Only those salted fish who are trapped by life, do nothing and have no dreams are still here to dawdle.

Most people's lives are sometimes so helpless, and there is nothing they can do.

Xu Shisangjian thought of such a sad event in life, and after smoking one cigarette, she couldn't help throwing another one in her mouth.

The door of the private room was suddenly opened, Ye Xingchen held the doorknob, looked at Sang Jian outside the door, with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and frowned.

"Sister, it's not good to smoke too much."

Ye Xingchen, who was wearing a school uniform, looked a little cute.

But at this moment, he was wearing the school uniform on Sang Jian, and he was wearing a large black T-shirt and a watch on his wrist.

He was standing at the door, and Sang Jian realized that he was very tall, about 1.8 meters.

Under the dim light, the whole person showed a bit of maturity that did not belong to this age.

If you ignore the pair of school uniform pants under him, you can perfectly pretend to be an adult.

Sang Jian couldn't help laughing, took out the cigarette from his mouth, and stuffed it back into the cigarette case, "Okay, I won't smoke anymore."

Seeing her actions, Ye Xingchen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at the corridor without any trace, and there was no one else except her.

Only then did he feel relieved.

I didn't want to come out at first, but I thought of her appearance, what if I was molested?
It finally came out.

Luckily she's fine.

"What time is it?" Sang saw that he had a watch, and asked aloud.

Ye Xingchen raised his wrist and glanced, "It's 09:30."

Sang Jian nodded, "It's almost time for you to go back, you still have class tomorrow."

Ye Xingchen's hand holding the doorknob tightened a bit, implying, "They haven't left yet."

Su Ziwen heard that they were still having fun, it was not good for him to leave early.

Sang Jian laughed, "If you don't want to play with them, you might as well go back and rest early."

"Sister doesn't like me, and wants to drive me away?" Ye Xingchen asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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