Chapter 451 Youth Doesn’t Pain (10)

Su Ziwen: "?"

"Who am I going to play with after they leave?" Su Ziwen was a little worried.

Sang was expressionless when they met, "Hello. It's not their birthday."

Su Ziwen: "..."

Other students: "..."

In the end, under Sang Jian's insistence, Su Ziwen was not interested in self-healing anymore, and he took his brothers home dejectedly.

Before leaving, he even gave Ye Xingchen a hand, "Let's go."

Ye Xingchen stood there, motionless.

"Hiss." Su Ziwen took a deep breath, and looked at Ye Xingchen dissatisfied, "Why are you still waiting?"

Leng Youyou next to him also went up to persuade: "Brother, let's go home, Youyou is afraid."

Ye Xingchen stared at Sang Jian without saying a word.

Sang Jian looked at him, seemed to realize something, reached out to pull the zipper of his school uniform, "Look at me, forget about it."

"Return the clothes to you."

He was probably waiting for me to give him the school uniform back.

Sang Jian didn't hesitate, and raised her hand to take off her coat.

When the zipper reached the collarbone, Ye Xingchen suddenly strode forward, grabbed her hand that was pulling the zipper, lifted it up, and pulled the zipper to the end again.

"Lend it to my sister first, and ask Su Ziwen to bring it to me tomorrow morning."

There was no tone in his voice, but his eyes proved that he was not in a good mood right now.

Sang Jian blinked at him, "It should be very late when I get home, my clothes won't dry overnight."

Ye Xingchen's eyes were always on the hand he was holding her, and her nails were still painted with red nail polish, as if everything was sexy and seductive.

His eyes darkened, he consciously let go of Sang Jian's hand, and whispered: "No need to wash."

Sang Jian squinted and smiled, "Okay, then thank you brother."

Ye Xingchen glanced at her and reminded, "Next time, wear more clothes."

After speaking, he turned and left the bar.

A bunch of dumb people are left.

Leng Youyou was the first to come to his senses and quickly caught up with Ye Xingchen.

Su Ziwen originally wanted to take his brothers away, but because of Ye Xingchen's appearance, he was somewhat curious.

He came back to Sang Jian's side again, and asked puzzledly: "Sis, when did your relationship with him get so good?"

Although they could talk a few words before, their relationship wasn't so good, right?
Sang Jian squinted at him, "Don't inquire about adult affairs!"

Su Ziwen frowned, "Where is he an adult?"

Sang Jian said, "I'm an adult."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and made a gesture to hit someone, "Are you going home?"

Su Ziwen immediately said: "Hui Hui Hui, let's go!"

After speaking, he took his brothers and ran away.

After everyone left, Sang Jian began to deal with the follow-up affairs of the bar.


"Brother, wait for me!"

Leng Youyou caught up with Ye Xingchen's pace, trotting all the way to barely manage to follow behind his ass.

Ye Xingchen was not in a good mood at the moment, and when he heard Leng Youyou's words, his memory seemed to return to his childhood in a trance.

She also followed behind her ass like this, telling him to wait for her.

This thought made me feel even worse.

He asked coldly, "Did my dad call you here?"

He was finally willing to talk to himself, and Leng Youyou immediately became happy.

"Yes, Mom and Dad asked me to take you home, will you go back with me?"

"Where did they get the confidence to think that if you come back, I will go back?" Ye Xingchen's tone was slightly mocking.

Leng Youyou froze for a moment, and blurted out, "Didn't my brother like me, and he ran away from home because of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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