Chapter 457 Youth Doesn’t Pain (16)

Although he knew that Ye Xingchen was not willing to discuss these things with him, Su Ziwen pestered him very shamelessly.

"What do you mean by that, talk!"

"You don't want to protect your sister, do you? So you don't want to tell me, and you don't want her to have contact with people like me?"

Su Ziwen suddenly seemed to have realized something, and said with a complicated face: "If you care about my sister, just tell me, why do you act like you hate her in front of her, it hurts my sister so much!"

Ye Xingchen sat in his seat, looked up at Su Ziwen, and said in a low voice, "When will you use your energy of caring for others on your sister?"

"Rather than caring about others, you should care about your own family."

Su Ziwen: "..."

Why is this sentence again?
Does he really not care about his sister so much?
He has never made his sister angry, and he is very obedient to what her sister says!

Su Ziwen felt that there was nothing wrong with him.

He frowned and said, "Then when will you care about your sister?"

Ye Xingchen lowered his eyes, expressionless, "She's not my sister."

"Huh?" Su Ziwen blinked.

It's not his sister. Why did that little girl keep calling him brother yesterday?
Just when Su Zi was stunned, the class bell rang.

He reluctantly returned to his seat.

About 5 minutes later, the head teacher came in from the outside with a little girl in school uniform.

Su Ziwen's eyes widened, and he immediately became excited.

It's the little sister from yesterday!

Even cuter in school uniform!
The girls in their school are basically in the rebellious period, and they think that makeup, dressing and hair dyeing are the fashion at this age.

At the beginning, one or two of them were still eye-catching, but after a lot of follow-ups, they got a little tired.

The appearance of Leng Youyou now is simply washing everyone's eyes!

Leng Youyou combed her double ponytails, with airy bangs, her face was clean and nothing was wiped off, and there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Wearing the school uniform on the body is more pure and lovely, naturally not artificial.

Many boys in the class couldn't help but whistled at her.

"Quiet!" The class teacher clapped his hands, "Today we have a new classmate, let me introduce you."

There are really not many people who transfer to another school at the third year of high school.

Moreover, such a well-behaved girl insisted on coming to Class Seven, so I don't know what she was thinking.

Maybe it was too much for the principal, so the principal opened a back door for her.

Leng Youyou smiled sweetly, "Hi everyone, my name is Leng Youyou, and I am Ye Xingchen's younger sister!"

Leng Youyou came here this time because of Ye Xingchen.

So she wants everyone to know her identity.

Su Ziwen: "..."

Ye Xingchen just said she wasn't!

He lied to him?
He immediately turned his head and stared at Ye Xingchen. Ye Xingchen, who was in the last row by the window, looked out of the window expressionlessly, as if he didn't know Leng Youyou.

Nor did she hear her words.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's indifferent attitude towards him, Leng Youyou's eyes dimmed a lot.

Some people whispered around, "What's the matter? It seems that Ye Xingchen doesn't know Leng Youyou."

"But such a cute girl shouldn't lie, right?"

"That's right, Ye Xingchen is too rude!"

The first few sentences were all boys discussing, and suddenly a girl's voice came in.

"Why can't it be a lie? Who doesn't know that Ye Xingchen is our school's school girl? When you come up, you just try to befriend her, and you don't want to see if she takes care of her?"

To be honest, the girls in the classroom are somewhat sour.

This new classmate has just arrived, so many people speak for her.

It really is the time to look at the face!

(End of this chapter)

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