Chapter 468 Youth Doesn’t Pain (27)

Coming out of the hospital, Ye Xingchen glanced at the time. It was still early and the school was still in session.

"Sister, go back and rest, I'm going back to school too."

No matter how much you want to stay longer, you will always have to separate.

Sang Jian nodded, "Are you going back over the wall?"

"Yes." Ye Xingchen replied, "I'll take you home first."

Anyway, her house is behind the school, and after watching her go back, he would just climb over the wall and go back to school.

Sang Jian didn't say anything.

Probably the only advantage of a small place is that you can go anywhere within a short walk.

The two came back from a walk together.

Arriving downstairs on the balcony of Sangjian's house, Ye Xingchen suddenly remembered something, and frowned, "I'll go in and ask Su Ziwen to bring you the key to come out?"

"Do not bother."

Sang Jian took the two bags of clothes from him, ran up one, stepped on the fence on the first floor and jumped, then reached out to grab the fence on the second floor, turned over, and went directly to the balcony on the second floor.

The movements were quick and graceful, leaving Ye Xingchen dumbfounded.

Sang Jian casually threw the bag in his hand into the room, then put his hands on the fence and looked at Ye Xingchen downstairs with a smile.

"I'm home, go back quickly. Remember to take your medicine on time!"

It was exactly the same posture and tone as when I saw her this morning.


Ye Xingchen was in a daze, nodded, and smiled, "Thank you sister, I am very happy today."

Somewhat fortunate that he met her, otherwise his first skipping career might have ended in various depressed moods.

Fortunately, fortunately, it was spent with her.

Although there were some minor accidents.

"Oh, by the way, can my sister leave me a contact information?"

Ye Xingchen smiled sincerely and innocently, "I don't have a good memory, can sister remind me to take my medicine on time?"

Sang Jian didn't pierce his small thoughts, "Yes."

She smiled and told Ye Xingchen her mobile phone number, Ye Xingchen took out her mobile phone and called her.

Ye Xingchen was satisfied when Sang Jian's cell phone rang from the room on the second floor.

He shook his phone at Sang Jian, "Sister, remember to save my phone number."

"Got it." Sang Jian raised his eyebrows.

Suddenly, as if she remembered something, she yelled to Ye Xingchen who was about to climb back over the wall, "Ye Xingchen!"

Ye Xingchen looked back at her, but before he saw anyone, his head was covered by a piece of clothing.

"Your clothes, remember to wash them when you get home today."

His school uniform was on her all the time, and she almost forgot to return it to him.

Ye Xingchen tore off the school uniform from her head, and tied it around her waist casually, "I see, Sang see... my sister."

After speaking, he climbed up to the wall, sat on the wall and waved to Sang Jian before jumping into the school.

Sang Jian didn't turn back to his room until he was out of sight.

Having an affair with a younger brother, this kind of innocent feeling, seems not bad?


As soon as Ye Xingchen jumped off the wall, someone covered his mouth and pressed him to the ground.

Su Ziwen rode on him, staring at Ye Xingchen angrily, "You bastard, you dare to seduce my sister! Are you getting impatient? Thanks to me, I treat you like a brother!"

Not far behind Su Ziwen, he also stood there coldly.

She looked at Ye Xingchen with disappointment and grievance, as if he had done something heinous.

(End of this chapter)

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