Chapter 471 Youth Doesn’t Pain (30)

Su Ziwen felt depressed and a little unhappy.

Why didn't my sister tell him directly if she was dissatisfied with him?
Instead, he told an outsider to teach him a lesson.

Really unhappy.


As soon as the class bell rang, Ye Xingchen was called to the office.

In this school, it's fine for other people to skip class. Ye Xingchen also skipped a day today and came back after school in the afternoon, so he had to have a good chat with him.

After all, this kid has great potential to become the face of their school, he can't be allowed to degenerate!

Originally, the homeroom teacher wanted to take the emotional route with all his heart, but Ye Xingchen took out some medicine from his pocket and put it on the table.

Without blushing, he said that he skipped class because he was uncomfortable, and he would not do it next time.

I can't fix it for the class teacher at once.

In the end, I can only say a few words. Next time I feel unwell, let me know in advance.

Seeing the injury on his face, the teacher in charge told him to stop playing with Su Ziwen, and then let him go back to class.

Ye Xingchen was suddenly thankful that he went to the hospital in the afternoon, otherwise he would have been criticized.


When school was over in the evening, Su Ziwen didn't pack his schoolbag, so he got up and went home.

However, as soon as his butt left the chair, he felt a burst of pressure on his shoulders, and he was pushed back on the seat.

Turning his head to look, who else could it be except Ye Xingchen?
Su Zi heard angrily, "You still want to fight?"

"You ignored what I said this afternoon?" Ye Xingchen pressed Su Ziwen with one hand, and took out the paper that he had found for him from his desk with the other hand, and slapped it on the table.

Su Ziwen: "..."

He opened his mouth, wanting to scold something, but suddenly, as if remembering something, he pulled the paper, took out a pen from the desk, and muttered angrily, "Crazy!"

Saying so, the body honestly started the paper.

It's a pity that he hasn't attended many classes since he entered high school, and he can't understand many questions.

"I don't even know how to write, how do you want me to write?" The more I read, the more irritable I became.

Ye Xingchen was a little impatient and didn't wait for him to speak.

Leng Youyou, who was slowly packing up and thinking about how to stay, quickly sat down at Su Ziwen's front table as if he had found an opportunity, and said softly, "I'll teach you."

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Ye Xingchen, "Brother, can I stay here and teach him?"

Leng Youyou has already noticed that her brother has changed.

She always thought that he was duplicity, but today she heard more than once about him being with Su Ziwen's sister, and she felt a little uncomfortable after hearing too much.

There is a feeling that he has changed his mind.

She knew it was wrong for her to feel this way, but...but she still felt uncomfortable.

So she wanted to find a chance to find out what kind of person Su Ziwen's sister was, and whether she was worthy of her brother.

Ye Xingchen sneered and said nothing.

He sat back in his seat and stared at the two of them expressionlessly.

He didn't care how Su Ziwen made the papers, what he wanted today was for him to finish those papers!
Said it was for Su Ziwen to give a lecture, but Leng Youyou kept peeking at Ye Xingchen.

This made Su Ziwen, who was a little lucky at first, but now the feeling in his heart disappeared without a trace.

"If you don't want to give me a lecture, then don't take the job! I want to finish writing and go home soon!"

Su Ziwen complained angrily, "Isn't he your brother? Can't you watch it at home if you want to?"

I'm so bored!
(End of this chapter)

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