Chapter 473 Youth Doesn’t Pain (32)

Sang Jian wore more tonight than yesterday, because she was still wearing the long floral dress that Ye Xingchen bought for her today.

The neckline is just a little bit sexy, but the rest is fine.

It's also rare for her to not wear heavy makeup today.

Sang Jian was in charge of the bar in person today, and came here before dark.

A table and chairs were moved and placed at the door. There was a plate of melon seeds on the table. On the other side of the bar, there was a notice board that was just made today.

【No entry for minors】

Although no one checked this small place, Sang Jian felt that he couldn't go against his conscience.

Especially after seeing how messy it is.

Leng Youyou came in yesterday is a good example.

Fortunately, she and Ye Xingchen saw her, otherwise, if she was dragged or tricked by those gangsters, she would have no time to regret it.

Sang Jian was sitting at the door of the bar eating melon seeds.

After the prohibition of underage entry, the bar business has obviously deteriorated a lot.

A lot of people came here to pick up their underage girls, but this bar doesn't allow minors to enter, so what's the point?
Not only are minors not allowed to enter, adults also don't like to come.

Sang Jian had expected this situation, but she didn't care.

If you really can't keep going, sell the store and stop doing it.

Originally, the original owner didn't want to run the bar either, it was too messy, and it was easy for a girl to take advantage of it.

It's just because the money comes in faster.


Sang Jian sat at the door and kowtowed sunflower seeds leisurely, preventing all minors who wanted to enter.

Some were still unconvinced and wanted to make trouble, but when they saw the iron rod on the table, Sangjian was a little scared.

In the end, I was desperate and changed to other places for entertainment.

This kind of thing lasted for about two or three hours, until it was completely dark, street lights were lit on the street, and the rich nightlife began.

A younger sister wearing a school uniform and twin ponytails stood in front of Sanmi.

Her eyes were red, and she looked like she had just cried, and she cried very sadly.

"You are Su Ziwen's sister?"

After Leng Youyou left school, the more she thought about it, the sadder she became.

Suddenly remembered what happened last night, and thought that Su Ziwen called the owner of this bar to call his sister.

She came over alone, and came to see her.

Sang Jian was a little surprised to see Leng Youyou.

In the original world, Su Sang saw to talk to Leng Youyou. She hasn't met Leng Youyou formally yet. Why did Leng Youyou come to find her first?

But Sang Jian didn't make it too obvious, she leaned on the chair, spit out the melon seed husk in her mouth towards Leng Youyou, and said lazily, "Is there something wrong?"

Leng Youyou frowned, quickly avoided, patted his clothes, and said angrily, "Do you have the quality?"

"No." Sang Jian said confidently, "If you insist on standing on the garbage I vomited, then I can't help it."

Leng Youyou looked down, there was a pile of melon seed shells under her feet.

It looks like she's been drinking here for a long time!
Leng Youyou moved to the side with some disgust, and then looked up Sang Jian again.

"I remember you were not like this yesterday."

She was wearing heavy makeup yesterday, wearing very little on her body, and shamelessly wearing her brother's school uniform!
Why are you dressed like a human again today?

Sang Jian glanced at her, raised his eyebrows and said, "Your sister is pure and impenetrable, do you have any objections?"

Leng Youyou: "..."

Obviously her tone sounded light, but Leng Youyou just felt a little uncomfortable.

She took a deep breath, and said directly: "I won't play tricks on you anymore, do you know who my brother is? You don't deserve him, so stay away from him!"

(End of this chapter)

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