Chapter 480 Youth Doesn’t Pain (39)

Auntie couldn't figure it out, such a pretty girl, how did she hang out in a bar before?

What a pity!

In the eyes of many people, those who hang out in that kind of place are labeled as dishonest.

The aunt was no exception, so when Sang saw the candidate for the niece and daughter-in-law in her heart, she was immediately removed.

Sang Jian didn't bother to explain.


When it was almost time for the people to leave, Sang Jian made a cup of instant noodles and sat next to Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen turned his head to look at her, with inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

Sang Jian raised an eyebrow at him, "Is my cooking not tasty?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head, "It's delicious."

Sang Jian glanced at the bento box, it was already half eaten.

It's just...the little spoon in his bent out of shape.

"What are you doing?" Sang Jian motioned him to look at the spoon in his hand.

Ye Xingchen didn't reply, but kept looking at her.

After a while, he came close to Sang Jian's ear and said in a voice that the two of them could hear, "I don't care what my sister used to do."

Sang Jian smiled all over his face, "So?"

Ye Xingchen: "..."


So is the relationship between the two of them confirmed?

Of course he couldn't say it so directly!
After all, by saying that she was his girlfriend just now, he was warning others not to think of her.

She must have thought that he was helping her out, and would not take it to heart.

Saying it now, on the contrary, seems to force her to agree.

This will not work.

After a long silence, Ye Xingchen replied, "So can my sister bring me meals in the future?"

"Huh?" Sang Jian was a little surprised.

Ye Xingchen scooped up a spoonful of rice with a small spoon, stuffed it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "I think the ones made by my sister are better than those in the cafeteria. When you make bento, can you make me a portion? I'll put mine Living expenses for you."

"It's as simple as paying living expenses?" Sang Jian pretended to hesitate: "There are no other benefits?"

Ye Xingchen blinked his eyes while putting the food in his mouth, "What else does sister want?"

"Ah... I just feel a little bad." Sang Jian stirred the instant noodles with a fork, "Su Ziwen didn't get this kind of treatment when he was a child in school."

Ye Xingchen's eyes brightened slightly, "Really?"

"Then sister will help me do it first, and I will tell you the benefits later, okay?"

Sang Jian suddenly approached Ye Xingchen, with a half-smile, "Do you mean you owe it?"

A hint of pampering flashed in Ye Xingchen's eyes, "Yes."

Finally, he asked again, "Can I?"

"Okay, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll make you an extra one." Seeing a look of reluctance, Sang agreed.

Ye Xingchen smiled, "Thank you sister!"

Every time she finishes making a bento and saves it for lunch, the temperature is just right for him.

The vegetables will not be too oily to solidify, nor will they be very hot. Basically, they will cool when they see the wind.

He loves it.

What's more, he was the first person to enjoy the treatment of her helping to bring meals.

"My boy, your book."

The aunt took the book that Ye Xingchen dropped on the counter just now, and put it in front of him, breaking the atmosphere of pink bubbles between the two of them.

Ye Xingchen threw the book in his hand on the counter when he held down the boy who was molesting.

The aunt brought it to him.

"Thank you."

Ye Xingchen thanked him, took the book and put it on his lap, so as not to forget it later.

The aunt looked at Ye Xingchen carefully.

I was a little disdainful at first, thinking that the young man of this age basically hasn't grown up yet.

In the end, after looking at it, I found that he was quite handsome.

She glanced at Sang Jian again.

It can be called a talented man and a beautiful woman.

What a pity, what a pity...

(End of this chapter)

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