Chapter 482 Youth Doesn’t Pain (41)

Ye Xingchen nodded, quite agreeing with Sang Jian's words.

That kid just needs to clean up.

"He should regret it in a few days, don't worry." Ye Xingchen comforted her for some unknown reason.

"I'm not worried about him." Sang Jian walked up to him and sat down next to him after finishing her work, propping her head on one hand, and said softly, "I'm more worried about you."

"Me?" Ye Xingchen was a little surprised, he teased, "I eat when I'm hungry, and run home when it's raining, sister don't worry about me."

"Then what if your own sister doesn't want to?" Sang Jian pointedly looked at the entrance of the canteen.

Ye Xingchen followed her gaze and happened to see Leng Youyou walking in from outside.

Looking back, I found that Sang Jian's eyes were a little unclear, as if he knew that Leng Youyou would come.

Ye Xingchen sighed silently.

But there was a little inexplicable joy in my heart, my sister cared so much about Leng Youyou, didn't it mean that she was a little jealous?

This is a good thing for him.

"elder brother……"

Before he could think too much, Leng Youyou at the door had already strode in.

She ignored Hua Sangjian, and said to Ye Xingchen, "Aren't you going back to the classroom to read at noon today?"

This is Ye Xingchen's habit since he was a child. Everyone else is on lunch break, and he will use the lunch break to read in the classroom.

Leng Youyou always remembers.

I couldn't wait for Ye Xingchen in the classroom today, and I heard others say that Ye Xingchen had a girlfriend, who was Su Ziwen's sister, and Ye Xingchen personally admitted it.

At that time, she felt that this matter was not true, and then she found out that Sang Jian had come to work in the school canteen.

Leng Youyou was still a little angry when she thought about what happened last night, and she didn't expect that Sang Jian really worked so hard to get close to her brother!
He actually went to school to work.

It's a pity that she can only find these unrealistic jobs. With such a meager salary for a month, she doesn't know where she got the confidence to pester Ye Xingchen every day?
Leng Youyou doesn't care about Sang Jian at all now, she was pissed off by Sang Jian's attitude yesterday, and only after returning home did she realize that the two of them are not at the same level at all, why should she care about Sang Jian?
Just ignore her.

After all, she and her brother went back later, and Susan would never see them again.

I don't even have the right to see them.

Let Sang Jian be arrogant now, and she will realize the gap between them in the future!
Ye Xingchen glanced at her, picked up his book pretendingly, and read it from his position, ignoring Leng Youyou at all.

Leng Youyou frowned, and leaned closer to Ye Xingchen, "Brother, it's not quiet here, shall we go back to the classroom and read?"

Her voice is soft and weak, which makes people feel sweet in their hearts.

It's a pity that Ye Xingchen doesn't like this, "You will be quiet when you leave."

She is noisier than anyone.

Leng Youyou: "..."

After returning to China, Leng Youyou has almost gotten used to being bullied by Ye Xingchen.

So when I heard this, I just took a deep breath, tried my best to calm down, and then smiled, "Then I'll accompany my brother to read here."

There are a lot of stools in the canteen, Leng Youyou moved a stool and sat on the other side of Ye Xingchen.

She tilted her head in the direction of Ye Xingchen's arms, and asked curiously, "Brother, what book are you reading?"

Ye Xingchen abruptly closed the book in his hand, stood up, took Sang Jian's hand casually and walked outside, "Sister, I'll take you out for a walk."

Leng Youyou: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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