Chapter 507 Youth Doesn’t Pain (66)

Sang Jian nodded, "Alright, go home and rest, save money."


When the former Su Zi heard this, he might feel that his sister only had money in her eyes, without him.

Now he doesn't think so.

Everything my sister does is for him, and she has her own reasons for saving money.

Su Ziwen lowered his head, turned and went back to the ward, ready to pack up and go home.

Looking at his back, Ye Xingchen turned around and asked Sang Jian softly, "What's wrong with this kid?"

Sang Jian slightly hooked her lips, "You must have taken the wrong medicine."

The step that made him feel guilty was very successful.

He might suspect that dreams are different from reality.

But as long as what happened in the dream was shocking enough to stimulate him, then he would be careful to prevent the dream from coming true.

Ye Xingchen always felt that Sang saw this smile with a bit of a bad taste.

It seems that she used her own method to make Su Ziwen realize something.

Su Ziwen will be honest in the future, right?

Ye Xingchen pondered for a moment, then took her hand and walked towards the ward, "Let's go, congratulations to my sister for being liberated."

Sang Jian tilted his head and glanced at him, "Not yet, don't I still want to support you?"

"Sister, I paid for the living expenses." Ye Xingchen smiled.

"Really?" Sang Jian blinked her eyes and acted seriously, "Isn't that the pocket money my boyfriend gave to his girlfriend?"

"Well... If my sister thinks so, let me see, how can I repay my sister's kindness in raising me?" Ye Xingchen seemed to think about it seriously, and then lowered his head and whispered in Sang Jian's ear: How is Xiangxu?"

Sang Jian shook his head, "Change it to another one. You are mine, and you still use this to get rid of me. I'm at a loss."

Ye Xingchen: "..."

Sang Jian was speechless for a moment, but the smile on his brows became a little stronger.

The fact that she can say that proves that she has identified him a long time ago, and it will only belong to him in the future.

Ye Xingchen pursed her lips and snickered, and in the next second, said seriously: "Then owe it first? What does sister want then tell me?"

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "Brother Xingchen, you owe me two favors."

"Sang sees sister, I remember."

Before asking Sang Jian to bring food for him, he told her after he said the benefits, and now there is another one.

However, Ye Xingchen was willing.

"Just remember."

When the two came to the ward, Su Ziwen had already changed into his own clothes.

He has nothing but a suit of clothes.

The three of them went through the discharge procedures together.

It was a bit late when Su Ziwen woke up. The school exams had already been over, so he could only wait for the make-up exam.

At this time, I can only go home and rest.

The two sent Su Ziwen home, and then went to the supermarket again.

This seems to have become something that Sang Jian and Ye Xingchen must do every day.


Finally, at night, Ye Xingchen finished his work and went home.

Su Ziwen finally had time to be alone with Sang Jian.

At this moment, Sang Jian was in his room, not knowing what he was doing.

Su Ziwen hesitated at the door of her room for a while, then reached out and knocked on the door, "Sister..."

"Is something wrong?" Sang Jian's voice came from the room.

Su Ziwen was silent for a few seconds, and said seriously: "I will never make my sister angry again."

"Sister, don't ignore me, you ignore me, I'm really useless."

"Well, I see." Sang Jian's indifferent voice filled the room.

Su Ziwen felt a little sad, feeling that Sang Jian's reply to him was too indifferent.

He thought about it for a while, and suddenly felt that this was fine.

That way he doesn't take a lot of things for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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