Chapter 519 Youth Doesn’t Pain (78)

Father Ye was furious, "Ye Xingchen! Get the hell out of here! You are really depraved!"

He purposely looked up the address of Sang Jian's house and came here by avoiding where Ye Xingchen lived.

He just didn't want Ye Xingchen to know about it. He didn't expect that he not only knew, but also helped an outsider to resist him as a father!
As soon as Father Ye made his voice, the others almost understood that this was just a dispute over family ethics, not a large-scale theft at all.

They saw that Father Ye was quite rich, and thought he had really lost something valuable, but they didn't expect it to be a conflict between father and son?

Finally, the police uncles verified the household registration book in Ye Xingchen's hand, and after confirming that they were real father and son, they closed the team.

Since ancient times, it has been difficult for upright officials to break up housework, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Before leaving, he taught Father Ye a few words and told him not to call the police for such things in the future.

Father Ye's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Originally, he brought people here for Sang Jian, but because Ye Xingchen was here, Sang Jian became an innocent person.

This is either a coincidence, or Sang Jian calculated it.

She knew that he would betray him, so she specially asked Ye Xingchen to come over and be her patron saint!
This woman is young, but she has a lot of tricks!


Father Ye came alone this time, Mother Leng did not accompany him.

After the policemen left, Ye Xingchen glanced at him, "It's actually very simple for me to go back. When will you get divorced, when will I go back."

This sentence, Ye Xingchen often said to Father Ye.

When he just ran away from home, Father Ye would call, and he would always say the same thing.

It still is.

Father Ye was very angry, "If you have this attitude, then you will never come back!"

"I told you to go home before, because I thought you were my son! Now you are turning your elbows out, towards that woman, to target your father! Then you will never come back!"

Ye Xingchen nodded, "That's what I thought, but it was you who kept telling me to go back."

Nightfather: "..."

Ye Xingchen looked at him expressionlessly and said, "As much as you dislike my girlfriend, I dislike your future wife as much."

"Since they don't like each other, why go back and make trouble for yourself?"

"Okay, okay!" Father Ye said several times angrily.

He said with a grim expression: "Remember what you said now, there is no chance to regret it in the future! I want to give all my property to others! You don't even want a penny!"

Father Ye dropped these words, turned around and left.

Ye Xingchen sneered, disdainful of his property at all.

On the other hand, Sang Jian on the sofa had a pity look on his face.

Father Ye came with a group of people in a hurry, but in the end he left alone.

"It's a pity, you don't spend money for your father, some people spend money for your father. What a loss!" Sang Jian shook his head.

Ye Xingchen sat next to Sang Jian, and calmly said, "It doesn't matter, his money won't last long."

Now that he has a household registration book, many things are much easier to handle.

He told Sang Jian before that he had an idea, but he didn't want to do it now.

In fact, he cannot do it because he is limited to many things.

Wait a little longer, when he becomes an adult, he can start his own family.

By the time……

Ye Xingchen turned his head to look at Sangjian.

At that time, he will cash in all the two benefits he owes to his sister.

Ye Xingchen looked at Sang Jian with some affectionate eyes.

Sang Jian tilted his head slightly, and met his gaze unexpectedly.

The air gradually warmed up, and an ambiguous atmosphere flowed between the two of them.

The next second, the door was suddenly knocked open.


Su Ziwen broke in from the outside, just in time to see this scene.

Ye Xingchen: "..."

This is a finished thing that does more than fail!

There are only two chapters today, please take a leave of absence, brother Meng.

Thank you for your votes and rewards, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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