Chapter 533 Youth Doesn’t Pain (92)

Therefore, in the past few years, Meng Tingyan really didn't spend any money on food.

But he is not always like this, as long as there are people eating, he will move up.

Isn't this familiar with Ye Xingchen and Sang Jian?
I still remember that during the college entrance examination, he really got used to it, so that we separated later, still a bit in a trance.

What's more, he is also one of the investors in this area now, what's wrong with having a meal?
"Let's go, I heard that there is a good restaurant here, we can try it together." Ye Xingchen said with his arms around Sang.

Anyway, it's just this time, next time I won't bring my sister out to meet them.

This area is still under development, but the workers and the bosses from all walks of life who came to inspect need to eat.

So the catering industry was the first to open up.

Moreover, during the construction period, it is definitely profitable to open restaurants. After all, there are so many workers, and the daily passenger flow is still very large.


The restaurant is a home-cooked restaurant, and the business is very good. At this time, it is approaching noon, and the inside is already full of people, only a few tables outside are still unoccupied.

Seeing this store, Su Ziwen put aside the unhappy things before, and immediately became interested, "I heard that the owner of this store is a beautiful younger sister. She didn't come here a few days ago, but I can see you today." See you soon."

Having said that, he stepped into the restaurant first, and shouted to the busy crowd: "Boss! Four people here!"

He didn't know which one was the boss, so he howled first.

"I'm coming!"

The next second, a crisp voice came out from the back kitchen door, and a young and lovely girl walked out with a menu in an apron and a smile on her face.

"What do you guys want to eat?"

Leng Youyou asked with a good attitude.

As a result, when he looked up, he was stunned when he saw Su Ziwen.

Su Ziwen was also taken aback.

At this time, Sang Jian, Ye Xingchen and Meng Tingyan also walked in.

Sang Jian asked: "Is it really beautiful? Are you dumbfounded?"

As soon as they entered, they saw Leng Youyou at the same time.

Leng Youyou looked at the four people in front of him who were more familiar than the last, and suddenly became a little overwhelmed.

How could it be them?

How much she looked down on the Su family siblings and Meng Tingyan at the beginning, now she is so ashamed and panicked.

She has stayed in the Ye family for many years, and in order to integrate into the upper class, she has learned a lot about wealthy families.

Naturally, I also know many famous brands.

The three she looked down upon at the beginning were all wearing big-name products.

They are all brands that she dare not look at now.

And now she, wearing an apron, works in a diner.

Leng Youyou drooped his eyes, his face was not very good-looking.

Others didn't react much when they saw Leng Youyou.

Ever since Ye's father divorced Leng's mother, Ye Xingchen felt that Leng Youyou had nothing to do with him, and what she did was none of his business.

Meng Tingyan, on the other hand, had obviously forgotten who Leng Youyou was.

After all, when he transferred from another school, he had only met Leng Youyou for a day or two, and had only eaten her once.

Not impressed.

But Sang Jian raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face, "Hey, acquaintance! Can I get a discount?"


Leng Youyou held the menu tightly, she felt that Sang Jian was humiliating herself.

Look at her face of being a villain!disgusting!

Sang Jian is really humiliating her, and it is indeed a villain's success.

Back then when Leng Youyou looked down on her and mocked her, she didn't say anything.

Ah...Although someone beat her up later, Sang Jian's language is not disgusting to Leng Youyou.

Once she gained power and her identities were exchanged, why couldn't she just mock her back?
(End of this chapter)

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