Chapter 537 Youth Doesn’t Pain (96)

People say that if you know your mistakes, you can correct them, and there is nothing good about them.

Maybe this is the reason?

Sang Jian didn't understand this feeling before, because people who make mistakes, with her, don't have a second chance.

If it wasn't for the original owner's request this time, Su Ziwen might have been abandoned by her from the very beginning.

Now seeing how he repented after knowing all the truth, Sang Jian didn't know what to say.

After Su Ziwen finished saying that, there was a long silence between the two of them.

After a while, Sang Jian finally said, "I'm going back if I have nothing to do."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

After walking a few steps, Su Ziwen suddenly said, "Can I still call you sister in the future?"

Sang Jian stopped, took out the lollipop she bought just now from her pocket, turned around and threw it to him.

Su Ziwen reached out to take it, and was stunned, not understanding what it meant.

Sang Jian waved to him, "Late wedding candy."

Su Ziwen's eyes lit up, and he finally showed a smile, "Thank you sister!"

When she married Ye Xingchen, she didn't inform him about her younger brother, which meant that she still didn't approve of him at that time.

Now she gave him a late wedding candy, which showed that she was willing to give him a chance to correct his mistakes!
Although she may still not like herself very much in her heart, this is at least a breakthrough.

He'd let her see his progress, and he'd let his sister see it too.

Sang waved his hands without looking back, and left.


As soon as she came out of the corner, she bumped into someone head-on.

Ye Xingchen leaned against the corner wall reeking of alcohol, eavesdropping on the conversation between her and Su Ziwen for some time.

The two looked at each other, and neither of them felt embarrassed. Ye Xingchen even took the bag containing two bottles of water from her very naturally.

With the other hand, he took her hand and walked into the hotel.

On the way back, Sang Jian asked softly, "How long have you been listening?"

Ye Xingchen said truthfully, "All of them."

The habit he has developed over the years, he has to hug Sang Jian to sleep in order to be able to sleep.

So when Sang saw him leaving the hotel, he woke up, went to wash his face, and followed him out.

As soon as he came out, he saw Sang Jian and Su Ziwen coming here.

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

She was a little surprised. Since she had heard everything, she should know that she was not Su Ziwen's sister. Why didn't he look surprised and curious at all?

On Su Ziwen's side, it was she who first revealed it to him, whether it was a dream or a note, it was all her means.

So Su Ziwen knew that she was not his sister, and he was neither scared nor surprised, because he had already absorbed these emotions for such a long time.

But Ye Xingchen was not.

Ye Xingchen only found out about this just now!

While Sang Jian was puzzled, Ye Xingchen's eyes flickered slightly, and he said in a low voice, "Actually, I already knew."

Sang Jian: "?"

Ye Xingchen looked around to make sure there was no one around, and handed the bag in his hand to Sangjian, "You take it first."

Sang Jian reached out to take it.

Ye Xingchen approached her mysteriously and took out something from his pocket.

"I'll show you a baby."

Sang Jian: "..." I was suddenly a little afraid that he would take out something weird.

Facts have proved that Sang Jian thought too much.

Ye Xingchen took out a palm-sized doll in a hospital gown with a high ponytail from his pocket.

Sang Jian: "..." Good guy, didn't she give this to him in the last world?
Ye Xingchen gently squeezed the soft and soft baby in his hand, and said in a low voice: "I have always thought that the wife I will marry will look like this since I was a child."

(End of this chapter)

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