Chapter 552 Deadly Live Broadcast (14)

Deng Yi's words silenced everyone in the living room.

Even Jin Yang didn't explain anything.

Indeed, it cannot be ruled out that they did not do it.

Deng Yi suddenly remembered something, and said again, "By the way, did Yan Xiu wear gloves when we came here just now? It must be to avoid leaving fingerprints!"

"Stupid thing, who said there is no evidence to prove that we didn't do it?" Sang Jian walked in from the outside.

She turned on the light brain and opened her live broadcast room, "Someone is watching the live broadcast room of me and Yanxiu, they know better than you whether we are doing something or not."

A few people gathered around Sang Jian in an instant, and watched her live broadcast barrage together.

When she saw the audience of dozens of people in her live broadcast room, Yu Tiantian couldn't help laughing, "Why are there only so few people in your live broadcast room?"

"The audience is not many, but they are all witnesses."

After the words fell, a few bullet screens floated across the bullet screen in the live broadcast room to help Sang Jian and Yan Xiu clarify.

[You came back not long after they came here, and no one tampered with the photos at all. 】

【That is, Yan Xiu wears gloves because they think they are dirty.I came here from Deng Yi's live broadcast room before, and I planned to go back after watching the excitement, but I didn't expect him to be such a petty person. Although watching the live broadcast is for fun, I have to find someone with good character and IQ, right? ?Get rid of Deng Yi's trap. 】

Deng Yi: "."

This barrage undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Deng Yi.

He could barely contain himself from yelling.

But he held back, because he knew that once he swears, more people will run away from the live broadcast room.

Deng Yi endured and endured, and finally opened his mouth to sell a wave of misery, "This former fan of mine, I hope you will not slander after you get out of the trap."

While talking, he clicked on his live broadcast room, trying to stabilize the audience in his live broadcast room.

"After all, I have been broadcasting live for so many years. Everyone must know what I am like. They won't believe your evil just by reading your words."

The audience in Deng Yi's live broadcast room: "."

Originally, they wanted to follow the wind and slip away, but Deng Yi said such a sentence, which made them feel embarrassed to leave.

Sang Jian glanced at Deng Yi, no wonder Yiyuan said that Deng Yi is very good at live broadcasting, if something goes wrong, he immediately stabilizes the audience's emotions, and nothing happens.

"But you were really impulsive just now, indiscriminately saying it was painted by others." Yu Tiantian came out to be a good person at this time, "You have to apologize to Yan Xiu and Tang Sangjian."

As Yu Tian said, she also clicked on her live broadcast room.

Looking at the bullet screens in her live broadcast room praising her for her ability to do things, Yu Tian was overjoyed.

Who doesn't know how to act in front of the audience?

Deng next to her stared blankly at Yu Tiantian, as if she thought she was talkative.

At this moment, a vicious barrage flashed across the barrage in Deng Yi's live broadcast room.

【Look for a chance to kill this talkative woman. 】

This barrage floated very fast, and it was obvious that the speed had been deliberately adjusted.

Unfortunately, Sang Jian was by Deng Yi's side, and saw this barrage clearly.

In the original world, it's really no wonder that Deng Yi was the first to kill people. It's only the first day, and the audience has already given him the idea of ​​killing people.

It's a pity that Deng Yi was staring at Yu Tiantian at the moment, and didn't notice this barrage, and Yu Tiantian didn't realize that she was already being watched by the audience in Deng Yi's live broadcast room.

(End of this chapter)

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