Chapter 569 Deadly Live Broadcast (31)

Sang Jian curled his lips, "How can it be called love? Did you hear the two of us talking behind?"

Jin Yang: "..." Not really.

But are you two holding hands too tightly? !
"We are also listening to your analysis very seriously." Sang Jian said.

Jin Yang: "..." Yes, the two of them were so quiet along the way, he almost thought they were gone.

Jin Yang glanced at Yan Xiu again, Yan Xiu remained expressionless, wondering what he was thinking.

He thought it was fine just now, but he didn't know if it was Jin Yang's illusion, he felt that Yan Xiu was a little dangerous at this moment.

He took another look at Yan Xiu, and then turned his attention to Sang Jian and Yan Xiu's hand.

"Okay, you two win."

He turned away, decided to leave them alone, and went on searching other houses.

As before, just pretend that they don't exist.

Otherwise, sooner or later they will be pissed off by them!

But at this time, Jin Yang also kept an eye out.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with these two.

In the morning, Yan Xiu looked fine, harmless to humans and animals, the expression on his face now was the same as in the morning, but he could vaguely feel that the breath on his body had changed.

Moreover, when searching the main building, Sang Jian saw the situation of each room, and would somewhat analyze and comment on it.

But after leaving the main building, Sang Jian became unusually silent.

When searching for various small buildings.Jin Yang will express his thoughts, and expects Sang Jian to reply him a few words.

It's a pity that there is only silence waiting.

It was also for this reason that Jin Yang became more and more irritable when he searched.

Now neither of them are right.

Jin Yang was thinking ahead, and his pace also slowed down.

He suddenly said: "It's noon, should we go out to have a meal before coming back? We didn't eat last night, if this continues, we will starve to death first."

Sang Jian squeezed Yan Xiu's hand, tilted his head and looked at him with a smile, "What do you think?"

Yan Xiu couldn't hear the tone, "It's fine."

Sang Jian hesitated for a moment, then refused, "I don't think it's convenient to go out for dinner together. There is another person in the manor. Once we all leave, he will definitely take the opportunity to slip away."

"How about this, Brother Yang, why don't you go out to eat and bring us two?" Sang Jian asked Jin Yang in a negotiable tone.

Jin Yang stopped, snorted softly, and said bluntly: "If you two want to send me away, I'll just say it, what's the matter? Am I in your way?"

Sang Jian smiled all over his face, "Brother Yang still knows current affairs."

Jin Yang: "?" Shit, she actually admitted that he was in the way?

"I'm not going." Jin Yang sneered, determined not to give them a chance to be alone!
"Did the two of you know something? Are you going to go directly to the patron to complete the task?" Jin Yang had to think about it.

"You think too much, Deng Yi hasn't found it yet..."

Sang Jian hadn't finished the last word, the expression on her face suddenly froze.

Jin Yang frowned, "What?"

They were walking towards another house in the manor at this time, and happened to pass by a viewing pond.

But the water in the viewing pool has dried up.

But in the middle of the dry pool lay a dead body, and there was still a large puddle of water on the ground.

The corpse was already soaked and a little swollen.

Sang Jian restrained his expression, "I found Deng Yi."

Jin Yang immediately turned his head, looked in the direction Sang Jian was looking at, and saw the corpse in the pond.

The clothes on the corpse were exactly the same as Deng Yi's, so who else could it be if it wasn't Deng Yi's?

"It seems that your previous thinking was correct."

Jin Yang dropped these words and ran towards the middle of the pool, wanting to check Deng Yi's body.

(End of this chapter)

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