Chapter 571 Deadly Live Broadcast (33)

Sang Jian clicked on the live broadcast to ask something.

But looking at the full screen [So sweet] at this time, I was a little dazed for a while.

[Have you noticed that when Tang Sangjian and Jin Yang were watching the replay of the live broadcast just now, Yan Xiu had been watching Tang Sangjian! 】

【Yan Xiu looks at Tang Sang's smiling expression, he's so handsome!It looks so gentle! 】

[Tang Sang is also very good at seeing it!Actually smiled back at him!These two people locked me up immediately! 】

Sang Jian: "???"

Advanced humans in 3033 also like to knock cp?

And their smiles just now contained too much, except that they were not sweet!
She felt that she might be the next one to die, how did this group of people look so sweet!

Sang Jian's mouth twitched slightly.

Soon she restrained her emotions and asked: "Friends in the live broadcast room, are there any people who were in Deng Yi's live broadcast room yesterday? Tell me the ins and outs?"

With Sang Jian's inquiry, the barrage frantically swiped up.

Hearing Sang Jian's question, Jin Yang also came over to see what the audience had to say.

In order to see the barrage clearly, Jin Yang's head was a little closer to Sang Jian's.

Yan Xiu who was at the side suddenly got up, squatted down between the two of them, and got in between them, separating them.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he leaned closer to Sang Jian, and watched the barrage with an innocent face.

Jin Yang, who was pushed away by him, was full of disgust. He got up and was about to switch to the other side of Sang Jian to watch the barrage.

But Yan Xiu stretched out his hand to hold him back, "Look here."

Jin Yang frowned, "I'm a little nearsighted, I can't see clearly if I don't get close."

Yan Xiu, "Then don't read it, I can retell it for you."

Jin Yang: "???"

Are you so afraid of him getting close to Sangjian?
Although it is outrageous, but thinking that Yan Xiu is so guarded against him, does it prove that he is very attractive?

So old that Yan Xiu, a handsome mixed race guy, was a little unconfident.

Thinking of this, Jin Yang suddenly felt relieved.

It seems that his charm is always online.

Sang Jian and Yan Xiu ignored Jin Yang, combined the messages sent by the barrage, and pieced together the process.

After Deng Yi came back yesterday, he had been quietly interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room.

He looked scared at the time, and when he returned to the live broadcast room, he was ridiculed by the audience, so Deng Yi left secretly in order to prove himself.

Then that happened.

Therefore, Deng Yi's death, the viewers in the live broadcast room are also inseparable.

Knowing that the aggressive method is very useful for Deng Yi, he also laughed at Deng Yi.

But this group of viewers is like this, mocking all kinds of anchors, forcing the anchors to do all kinds of dangerous things, and finally dying, this is their favorite live broadcast.

The barrage was discussed again at this time.

[Two people died in one night, who is next? 】

[This manor is so exciting, didn't you say that the murderer set up the coffin room for them to find clues?Now it seems that those coffins are for them! 】

[Being stabbed in the neck, drowning, when will you go to see the holographic projection of the next coffin room?See how you die? 】

Judging from the current situation, they all saw the holographic projection in the room, so they were killed in the same way as in the coffin room.

[But it seems like they all died one by one?I really want Tang Sangjian to die with Yan Xiu!They look like a good match, it must be exciting to die together! 】

Sang Jian: "..."

Seeing this barrage, Sang Jian looked up at Yan Xiu beside him, "Do you want to die?"

Yan Xiu also raised his head, and replied seriously: "I want to live."

(End of this chapter)

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