Chapter 576 Deadly Live Broadcast (38)

While speaking, Sang Jian stretched out his hand towards Yan Xiu again.

Yan Xiu grabbed her wrist again.


"You care so much about being seen by me?" Sang Jian pressed his other hand on the wall, in a wall-dong posture.

She joked, "Then I already guessed it, what should I do?"

Yan Xiu stared into her eyes, "You guessed wrong."

"Then what is this?" Sang Jian took his hand away from him.

She didn't know where to take out a cuboid that she didn't know what it was, and threw it in her hand.

Yan Xiu frowned, subconsciously touched himself, "When did you...?"

Take his stuff away?
He didn't notice it at all!

"But if I can't guess correctly, why would little brother care why this thing is in my hand?"

Sang Jian said with a low smile: "Yesterday you said that you inspected the robot in the small foreign building. I always thought that in this technological age, the robots created should not break down in a few years. After all, if the shelf life of a robot is so short , this era can no longer be called the age of technology.”

"Later, you made me not believe that it was broken, so I went to check it myself. I saw a small dent on the back of the robot."

"Guess what? That little dimple is just right for this little thing!"

This thing should have been taken from the robot by Yan Xiu when he checked the robot yesterday.

"If I'm not wrong, this thing is an important accessory to activate the robot, right? Take it off, and the robot can't be used."

"And you always wanted to take me out of that place quickly, so that I couldn't find out that you lived there a few years ago."

It's a pity that a mouse caused the books on the bookshelf to fall, and she found out that the books in the study were put in later as a pretense.

"Yesterday you still wanted to push everything on Deng Yi, making the illusion that everything was done by Deng Yi. But little brother, have you forgotten that when I entered the room with Yu Tiantian, the upstairs can control the light?" Other than Deng Yi, there are you and Jin Yang. Later, when Jin Yang and I entered the room together, in the corridor, besides Deng Yi, you are the only one who can control the optical brain."

"Deng Yi died today, so one can imagine who did all this."

Sang Jian raised his hand and hooked Yan Xiu's chin, "Are you going to explain yourself?"

All kinds of signs indicated that Yan Xiu was abnormal.

Yan Xiu lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head and grabbed Sang Jian's neck with one hand.

The positions of the two changed. Sang Jian was pressed against the wall by Yan Xiu's neck, and the whole person pressed towards Sang Jian.

He bowed his head and whispered in Sangjian's ear: "What should I do? You seem to know a lot."

She always felt that he had fooled her enough, and with the cooperation between the two of them, she should believe in herself.

She didn't expect that she had suspected him long ago.

Moreover, so many things have been guessed.

Sang Jian raised her neck, tried her best to let her breathing be smoother, she curled her lips and said, "Is little brother going to kill someone?"

" have been unwilling to reply to the matter that I died with me, so you want me to die alone."

Facing Yan Xiu at this time, Sang Jian had no fear at all, but continued jokingly: "But if you do it yourself, will your hands be dirty? Do you want to call out your executioner robot? Like Yu Tian Tian is like Deng Yi, let it kill me?"

(End of this chapter)

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