Chapter 580 Deadly Live Broadcast (42)

Seeing no resistance, Sang raised his hands and put his arms around Yan Xiu's neck.

A hand ran into the hair on the back of his head.

His hair was a little curly and extra soft to the touch.

What was originally a biting gesture suddenly became ambiguous.

Sang Jianheng didn't even groan for the pain in his neck.

It was her hug that made Yan Xiu stunned.

In the next second, the teeth slowly loosened Sang Jian's neck, gently sucking the blood from her neck.

He could clearly feel Sang Jian swallowing his saliva.

The atmosphere between the two became more anxious.

"Is the blood delicious?" Sang Jian asked suddenly.

"Do you want to try it?" Yan Xiu replied.

He raised his head and kissed Sang Jian's lips without thinking.

The smell of blood filled the mouths of the two of them.

A smile flashed in Sang Jian's eyes, and one of his hands lightly stroked the back of Yan Xiu's neck, deepening the kiss.

Just when Yan Xiu was indulging in it, Sang Jian's hand movements increased a bit.

The back of the human neck is still relatively fragile, and it will hurt a little bit.

Sang Jian originally wanted to use this trick to make Yan Xiu leave her lips.

Yan Xiu left her lips, but he went all the way down, and once again held Sang Jian's bleeding neck.

"A teaser should tease like this, you know?" His voice was hoarse.

Sang Jian snorted softly, "Is this what you call molesting? You are playing hooligans."

Yan Xiu acted as if he didn't hear what she said, and continued on his own: "Also, I don't feel any pain, and your hand is also a little weak. Take it off."

He has already noticed Sang Jian's intentions, but unfortunately he is not a normal human being, and her little tricks are useless to him.

Sang Jian really took his hand back from the back of his neck.

She was about to rub her hands together when Yan Xiu's big palm came up.

Pressed her hand against the wall.

He fit her body perfectly.

"Apart from death, do you have anything else to say?" Yan Xiu looked up at her.

Her blood was still stained on his lips, and his light blue pupils were somewhat deep.

In the dimly lit room, it looked extraordinarily coquettish.

"You don't want me to die again?" Sang Jian asked.

Yan Xiu licked his lips, "I said, except for this problem."

"Then I have nothing to say, but if you don't do anything again, I will definitely tell Jin Yang the truth when he comes back."

Sang sees that the world doesn't seem to intend to protect Yan Xiu without thinking.

"You want to die that much?" Yan Xiu frowned, and squeezed her chin fiercely, forcing her to look up at him.

In order for him to kill her, she plans to tell Jin Yang?
"I don't want to die. I told you when we first met that I wanted to get out of here alive."

Sang Jian stared into his eyes, and said seriously: "I want to live more than anyone else, but if there is no chance of living, I will choose to let Jin Yang bring the truth out."

"Do you think Jin Yang can live if you die?"

Sang Jian raised her eyebrows, "Of course."

"Naive! Don't even think about getting out alive!"

Yan Xiu shook off her chin, his face darkened, paranoid and terrifying.

"Even if he can get out alive, it will be after being drugged by me."

Yan Xiu lowered his head, recalling the unbearable past.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and his breathing became more rapid.

Not long after, his gaze was attracted by the blood on Sang Jian's neck again.

After licking her clean so many times, why is she still bleeding?

(End of this chapter)

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