Chapter 586 Deadly Live Broadcast (48)

The last test was just now when I asked him if he wanted to sneak in.

In the previous worlds, she had used the deceitful breath in front of Quan Gu more than once. He who had no memory of seeing the deceitful breath for the first time, might be a little interested in his heart, but he would not have the thought of wanting it at all.

Because he gave it to her, he knew it could protect her.

"Trying again and again, all signs show that you are not the person I am looking for."

This is also the reason why Sang Jian doesn't want to live anymore.

I don't know who was tricked into this world by some bastard, and encountered a fake story.

Two days of her time were wasted!
She wanted to go back quickly and find the real him.

He might be in a hurry to wait in other worlds, but luckily it's only the second day since he came to this world!

Yan Xiu: "..."

Yan Xiu was still pressing on Sang Jian's body, staring at her without blinking, with a low voice, "We've only known each other for two days, how do you know I'm not the person you're looking for?"

"Because setting up your master is mentally handicapped." Sang Jian provocatively said: "He will never ignore any of my questions, any!"

She asked Yan Xiu several times if he really wanted to be with her, but he ignored her questions.

It turns out that there is a real difference between really loving someone and pretending to love someone very much.

"Okay, it's time to tell you."

Sang Jian suddenly turned over, pushed Yan Xiu to the ground, and sat beside him with one leg on Yan Xiu, making him unable to move.

"Tell me, what's the situation?"

Yan Xiu didn't speak, a pair of light blue eyes turned quickly at this moment, as if some garbled characters in the brain were short-circuited.

Sang Jian couldn't help laughing, "So it's not a remanufactured man, but a man-made man. He actually imitated his real body. It seems that you know a lot."

Quangu is not a normal person, but an artificial person, and Sang Jian knows this.

The one who created him was naturally Yi Yuan, who claimed to be his old father.

So if you don't cut off her connection with Yiyuan, Yiyuan should be able to detect something is wrong within a few hours.

After all, Quangu was made by Yiyuan himself.

The reason why Sang Jian was not sure about testing Yan Xiu at the beginning was because she had never met Quan Gu, but in the small world, she was somewhat unclear.

Fortunately, the details determine success or failure.

Yan Xiu's pupils stabilized quickly, and he stared at Sang Jian expressionlessly.

I don't know how long it took, he sat up suddenly, hugged Sang Jian by the waist, and quickly got up from the ground holding Sang Jian.

"Don't go back to him, I'm just like him."

As he said that, he desperately slammed into the closed window.

"I won't let you die and go back to find him!"

With the sound of hitting the iron plate of the window one after another, Yan Xiu made up his mind to send Sang Jian out.

"Don't waste your efforts, didn't you seal the main building yourself? You don't know how hard the windows are?"

Sang Jian slightly curled his lips, "Why don't we die together? Do you remember that we saw a live broadcast barrage together before?"

"It said on the barrage that I want to see the two of us die together."

"Before I die, I intend to fulfill his wish."

Saying that, Sang Jian broke free from Yan Xiu's arms, grabbed his arm with his backhand, and led him to the hottest place of the flames.

Yan Xiu froze for a moment, Sang Jian's body was engulfed by fire in front of his eyes, and instantly became a burning man.

As if she couldn't feel the pain, not only did she not call out, but she was still leading him into the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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