Chapter 590 Sang and Quan (3)

Sang Jian turned his head to look at Master Li.

There are a few black strands in the white hair.

Sang Jian remembered that when he came here at the age of five, Lord Li and Lord Wang were still very young, they were middle-aged people with high spirits.

People who practice Taoism like them will stay young forever.

In order not to be suspected, they have to age at a normal growth rate.

But Sang Jian found that their eyes are not as bright as before in recent years, which is a sign of real aging.

With the development of science and technology, spiritual energy is getting rarer and rarer. They rely on spiritual energy to cultivate, and without spiritual energy, they will gradually become ordinary people.

Sang Jian pursed her lips, and patted Master Li on the shoulder, "I'll go see him in a while, you go back first, the sister nurse will come back to see you in a while, and she will drag you to get an injection again."

Master Li shivered, and immediately waved: "Goodbye."

Before he left, he reminded him again, "Next time, take the time to wake up. If we hadn't stopped you this time, you would have been dragged out and buried on the third day."

After all, after sleeping for so long, I couldn't wake up no matter how I screamed.

Sang Jian: "."

Not long after Mr. Li left, the elder sister who had been cooking for Sang came back.

Then the director also came with a group of doctors.

Surrounded by a group of people watching, Sang Jian finished his meal and was taken away for an examination.

All over the body, except for malnutrition and weak body, there is no other problem.

This is rather strange.

After sleeping for a whole week, there is nothing wrong with your body?

While everyone was studying, Sang Jian was also sent back to the room.

Not long after returning, Sang Jian sneaked into the prince's ward.

The prince has already been sent back, crying loudly in the room holding the exploded pot.

If Sang Jian is not mistaken, the pot he is holding is a rice cooker?
That alone is enough to make people think he is mentally ill.

"Grandpa Wang, what are you doing?" Sang Jian entered the room and greeted.

Seeing Sang Jian, the prince sobbed, "Oh little Sang Sang is awake? Is it fun to travel around the world?"

Others don't know what happened during the few days when Sang Jian fell asleep, but they know it well.

All the functions of her body are normal, but her soul is gone.

They called this situation soul wandering, and Sang Jian didn't explain it to them.

"It's okay." Sang Jian replied, walked up to the prince and squatted down, "Could you use this thing to make alchemy?"

Speaking of this, the prince couldn't hold back his tears again, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... So much energy!"

"This is my last pot, woo woo woo~"

Sang Jian: "."

An old man with an afro on his face was sitting on the ground with a blackened face, holding a pot and crying.

The picture is really beautiful.

Sang Jian quickly smiled, "Give me the alchemy furnace, I'll help you practice!"

The prince stopped crying, "You still want to go to Soul Wandering?"

Sang Jian nodded, "Well, so I came to ask if you want to help, and the reward is your pill furnace."

"Yes, yes!" The prince hurriedly threw away the broken pot in his arms, stood up and went to the bedside table to find a stack of papers.

"The alchemy furnace is a trivial matter. The main reason is that I have written these thousands of alchemy recipes and have no chance to try them. If you have the opportunity to try these for me, help me record which ones work and which ones need to be changed."


Sang Jian took over a thick stack of papers and instantly felt hopeless.

She just wanted to help them get the heavy body tonic pills they needed, but she didn't expect that he had prepared so many pills!

If the reward is only one pill furnace, is it going to be less?
(End of this chapter)

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