Chapter 597 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (3)

After a little understanding, Sang Jian suddenly had a little doubt, "Why do I feel like I have experienced this plot?"

"Indeed." Yiyuan reminded: "Do you still remember Xiao Yin?"

"That world also seems to be a stand-in? But it was your appearance in the previous world, and this time it is your real body."

"The most important thing is that your real body, apart from what I know what it looks like, is only"

Needless to say, Sang Jian knew what he wanted to express. .

In this world, the space-time administration is probably testing something again?
"Hiss~" Sang Jian narrowed his eyes suddenly, "Tell me, after Yanxiu failed in the last world, they wanted to know what kind of attitude Quan Gu had towards the real me? So they started to think about my real appearance?"

"When the time comes, they will absorb Huo Nanting's attitude towards me in this world, and continue to correct it on Yan Xiu? Wait for a certain world to make a comeback?"

"It's very possible!" Yiyuan agreed with Sang Jian's analysis very much.

"So what are you going to do next?"

"What else can I do? Since they want to help me raise a husband, let them help me raise it!" Sang saw a smile in his eyes.

"Anyway, that piece of data will follow me sooner or later."

Talking with Yiyuan here, Sang Jian turned over seemingly inadvertently, and stretched out his arms to hug Huo Nanting who was lying upright on his side.

Huo Nanting was startled, and frowned, "Did you forget what I told you?"

She is not afraid that he will give her to him.
The other party didn't seem to hear what he said, and pressed a leg on his body with an inch, and put a small head on his chest.

"See you, Meng Sang!" Huo Nanting growled, with sullen tone in his tone.

However, the steady breathing on his chest told him that the woman who was chatting with him just now had fallen asleep.

Huo Nanting: "."

He pushed Sang Jian's arms, legs and head away with a not too gentle hand, and turned over by himself from the bed.

Huo Nanting tidied up his clothes and left the room without looking back.

Sang Jian, who was pushed away by him, lay on the bed in a large font after he left, occupying the entire bed.

She opened her eyes, curled her lips, "boring."

If she had changed to an adult body, she didn't believe that Huonanting would still leave!

"What about the rest of the plot?" Sang Jian closed his eyes and continued chatting with Yi Yuan.

Yiyuan quickly transmitted the plot to her.

The original owner of her body was Meng Sangjian.

Yiyuan also said at the beginning that it was the original owner who begged Huo Nanting to marry her.

In this day and age, 13 is actually not too young.

Her gambling father, seeing that she had a good voice and good looks, sold her to the largest Paramount in Kyoto.

In addition to her age, lack of development, and lack of sexiness, she is still quite popular in Paramount.

After all, she has a beautiful face, and her singing is also captivating.

Many gentlemen expressed that they could wait for her to grow up.

But there will always be a few perverts in the world who think that Meng Sangjian's age is the best age.

And her voice is not inferior to some mature singers at all, so she must sound very nice.

Someone made trouble at Paramount that day, saying that they spent so much money to see Meng Sang, not just to listen to her singing.

Wanted to take her away on the spot.

It happened that I ran into Huo Nanting who was also talking to someone in Paramount at that time.

Who in Kyoto doesn't know Young Marshal Huo?
Killing eight wives, even if they are handsome, rich and powerful, they are still the existence that women avoid like snakes and scorpions now!

The old eight is here!It is the Republic of China that everyone has been urging, but it is a short story of the Republic of China in my heart.mwah
(End of this chapter)

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