Chapter 602 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (8)

Boss Chen didn't take it seriously, "But I heard that on the wedding night yesterday, Huo Nanting left late at night and hasn't returned yet."

"You don't seem to be favored."

Ever since Meng Sangjian was taken away by Huo Nanting, he has been sending people to observe the situation of the two of them.

He also heard that Huo Nanting liked Meng Sang seeing this hanging.

But when Meng Sang was about to be taken away, he didn't come forward to stop her. Who knew that she was so courageous that she would find Huo Nanting?

He was afraid that Huo Nanting was really fascinated by Meng Sangjian, and he would settle the score after autumn.

It's a pity that after waiting for a few days, what I waited for was the news of their marriage yesterday.

Huo Nanting never sent anyone to trouble Paramount.

It can be seen from this point that he doesn't like Meng Sangjian at all.

Boss Chen was still thinking about it.

Sang Jian raised Erlang's legs, leaned on the sofa, and said softly: "Whether you are favored or not is another matter. The most important thing now is that Mrs. Huo's identity is mine."

This identity alone brings not only danger, but also countless wealth.

Boss Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and understood what she meant.

"As Mrs. Huo, do you still want to continue singing?"

"What?" Sang Jian said with a light smile, "As a businessman, Boss Chen thinks he has too much money?"

Originally, her popularity was not low, but now with the title of Mrs. Huo, her popularity will only rise to a higher level.

"Mr. Huo."

Boss Chen wants to ask Huo Nanting if he has any objections?

Suddenly he remembered that Huo Nanting didn't care about her at all, how could he have any objections?

Sang Jian said in a low voice: "I know what Boss Chen is worried about. Don't worry, the person who lost face is also the one who lost Huo Nanting, and it has nothing to do with you."

It's nothing more than feeling that it would be embarrassing for her to show her face in public after she was married.

"Since Mrs. Huo has said so, I naturally have no objection." Boss Chen smiled.

No businessman thinks too much money.

Meng Sangjian's willingness to continue singing in Paramount is indeed a big attraction.

"Then that's over, let's talk about monthly money."

Sang Jian changed the subject, "My dad sold me here for [-] oceans back then, and the money I made for Paramount over the years is enough to pay off the [-] oceans, right?"

After coming here, the original owner didn't get a single cent of the monthly money or the bounty money, and they all went into Boss Chen's pocket.

Boss Chen: "."

He smoked a cigar, stared at San Jian without saying a word.

In the past, she never mentioned such things as monthly money, because she felt that if she sold to Paramount, she would only be able to work for Paramount for the rest of her life.

After coming back this time, not only did his personality change drastically, but he also started discussing these things?
Boss Chen didn't know whether to say that she had become smarter, or if someone gave her some advice behind the scenes.

He prefers the latter, because no one can go from having no intentions to being like this in just a few days.

The backer she mentioned just now may not be about Huo Nanting, but someone else.

Can teach her to be so confident in just a few days
Could it be Mother Huo?

Boss Chen suddenly realized that he had forgotten about Huo Qing!

She is not an ordinary person who can cultivate a dragon and phoenix like Huo Nanting.

As if to confirm Boss Chen's thoughts, Sang Jian suddenly said: "I didn't want to mention this to you, after all, I have been taken care of by Boss Chen for so many years."

"But my mother-in-law asked me to come out to earn money by myself. If I can't get the monthly money back, I'm afraid it will make people think that Boss Chen is bullying me when I'm young and ignorant."

Boss Chen: "."

(End of this chapter)

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