Chapter 606 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (12)

Huo Nanting simply refused, "No."

"I don't want to hug me when I'm sleeping, and I don't want to hug me when I'm tired from walking. What's wrong? Can you die if you hug me?"

Sang Jian stepped on his short legs and continued on the way home, complaining as he walked, "They said you are a big official, why don't you have a car when you go out?"

Huo Nanting: "..."

Because Shao Yan is a playboy on the surface, but he actually belongs to their intelligence team, so it is inconvenient to reveal his identity.

So he didn't bring anyone with him when he came out this time, and everything was kept low-key.

I didn't see that he didn't wear a military uniform when he came out today, did he wear casual clothes!
Driving just gets more attention.

Huo Nanting explained the matter in his heart, but on the surface his thin lips were pursed lightly, showing no intention of explaining to Sang Jian.

A little girl, even if she said it, she didn't understand.

Sang Jian was muttering something beside him all the time, Huo Nanting listened to it with one ear and snorted at the other, and didn't take it seriously at all.

I don't know how long it took before he asked inexplicably, "Do you look like your mother?"

Sang Jian: "?"

She was stunned for a second, then blinked and said, "My mother has been dead for many years, I don't know."

Huo Nanting narrowed his eyes, "He's dead..."

Sang Jian looked up at him, "But I don't think it should be like that. If so, my father wouldn't think I'm not his child and treat me so badly."

The reason why the original owner's father treated her so badly, and finally sold her for 500 oceans, was mostly because he felt that her mother was cheating and she was not his biological daughter.

That's why it's so easy to talk about, and it only sold for 500 oceans!

She walked with her head up and couldn't keep up with the pace of Huo Nanting's long legs, so she couldn't help reaching out and holding his sleeve.

She wanted to hold hands, but judging from the experience of hugging a few times before, she would probably be rejected, so she decided to take the next best thing and hold her by the sleeves first.

The moment she grabbed his sleeve, Huo Nanting paused, looked down at Sang Jian who was trying to keep up with his pace, but was tired and out of breath.

In the end, he didn't reject her and slowed down.

"So you don't look like your parents?" Huo Nanting caught the point of her words.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Sang Jian blinked at him, looking pure and innocent.

Huo Nanting looked away, "It's nothing."

Seeing his expression, Sang Jian didn't ask any more questions, and began to think in his heart.

Could there be something else she didn't know?

Otherwise, what would he ask his parents to do?
This unreliable one yuan has a problem with the plot!

"You can say that the plot I gave is problematic, but you can't say that I'm unreliable!"

Sensing her inner voice, Yiyuan immediately came out and explained: "Since your real appearance appeared in this world, it means that this world is related to the Space-Time Administration! Then what's wrong with the plot I gave?"

"I can be sure that Huo Nanting is the wild data that fell. Don't worry about bold strategies, and he will listen to you if you use a little trick! Then you still can't figure out his secret?"

In this regard, Sang Jian hehe.

She lowered her head and glanced at her own figure, which was as tall as her waist.

Making her look like this is a real punishment!
"..." Yiyuan Diving didn't speak.

Anyway, he has already branded the word unreliable in her heart, so be unreliable, let her figure it out by herself!

(End of this chapter)

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