Chapter 611 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (17)

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I remember that Nan Ting and I had a very good relationship. I have been thinking about him for the past few years when I went abroad. I just got off the ship and when I got home, I couldn't wait to come and see you. "

"By the way, is Nan Ting at home?"

When he said this, his eyes swept over Sang Jian intentionally or unintentionally.

Then, with a smile, he asked Sangjian: "Hi, can I have a glass of water?"

When Sang Jian heard her say that her name was Ye Lian'er, she knew that she was the so-called Bai Yueguang in Huo Nanting's heart.

It does look very similar to her real body, even more so than her current body.

After all, Ye Lian'er is an adult, but she is still young and hasn't grown a little.

Ye Lian'er's words made the living room quiet.

Huo Qing turned her head to look at Sang Jian, the expression on her face was somewhat unclear.

For people like Ye Lian'er, Huo Qing felt a little disgusted.

A guest ran to someone else's house to say this, and even instructed the hostess.

We are all women, so don't make it too obvious that she wants to protest!

But how can she have the right to demonstrate?

Huo Qing knew that Huo Nanting was looking for women according to Ye Lian'er's face, even if Huo Nanting liked Ye Lian'er, she didn't like it.

After all, she was the one who wanted to leave.

Although she was dissatisfied in her heart, Huo Qing didn't say anything.

She wants to see how Sang Jian will handle this matter.

This incident can also test out what kind of character Sang Jian is.

Is she a submissive little daughter-in-law who swallows her humiliation even when others come to provoke her, or...

Before he had time to think about it, Sang Jian had already come up with the answer.

She was originally standing by the side, but after hearing Ye Lian'er's words, she sat directly on the separate sofa next to her.

"Didn't this elder sister see the kettle on the coffee table? Or don't you have long hands?"

Ye Lian'er's face froze, and her smile couldn't hold back, "After all, it's not my house. If I do it myself, it will appear..."

She was making excuses for herself.

Sang Jian leaned on the sofa, curled her lips and said, "Do you know it's not your house? I rushed to someone else's house to provoke you in front of the main room. What's the matter? Do you want to be my husband's second room?"

"Little sister, your words are a bit too harsh! I don't know your relationship with Nan Ting... Besides, I just talked about the past between me and Nan Ting..."

Ye Lian'er hated Sang to death at this moment.

This little brat speaks so badly!

Huo Qing is still by her side, if she knows that her daughter-in-law is so impolite...

Thinking of this, Ye Lian'er looked at Huo Qing innocently.

"Aunt Huo knows about my situation with Nanting, so I'm not provoking..."

"Don't look at me, I don't know anything." Huo Qing raised her hand to stop Ye Lian'er from throwing the blame on her.

She got up from the sofa and was about to go upstairs, "I'm going to take a lunch break too, daughter-in-law, please entertain the guests. Nan Ting is not at home, the Huo family is up to you, greet you well, if you have something to do, go upstairs and call I."

Now she can rest assured that she is not afraid of being bullied by Sang Jian.

She almost forgot that when she said harsh words to Sang Jian yesterday, Sang Jian also made her very angry.

So she needn't worry at all.

"Mother-in-law, go slowly." Sang Jian stood up and watched Huo Qing go upstairs.

After she disappeared completely, Sang Jian sat down again.

Her mother-in-law gave her face in front of outsiders, so she naturally had to give her mother-in-law face.

(End of this chapter)

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