Chapter 635 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (41)

He had to let himself stay in the army, didn't he just want to "torture" her into a different shape?
Only in this way can he rest assured.

Out of his nose, the better she takes care of herself, the more she will be out of his control.

Originally, he gave himself five years, just because she was still young, but now that he has some feelings for her, he has to stare at her personally.

Isn't this just that he didn't want her to die, so he had to find an excuse?

Huo Nanting: "..."

His mind was exposed, and his face was slightly red.

He raised his hand and pinched Sang Jian's cheek, and said in a low voice: "I know your strength, if you lose in a while, I will lose face in the army in the future. Can you bear it?"

He has already let out his words, no matter what he says, Sang Jian can only win.

Otherwise, it will lose face for both of them.

Of course, losing face is a minor matter, once he loses, he will have to find another excuse to keep her in the army.

Sang Jian was just joking with him, seeing that he was so serious, she couldn't help but want to tease him.

"But Mr. Huo, what you saw before was my exclusive weapon. Of course I can use it. I have never touched those things in the army. What should I do if I don't know how to use them?"


Huo Nanting was silent.

It seems so.

The last time I saw her use a gun that didn't look like the one they used, it was weird.

The recent training is also physical fitness, and she has never touched weapons.

Huo Nanting thought for a while, then suddenly turned around and opened the drawer of the desk next to him, took out a pistol from the drawer, and handed it to Sang Jian.

"Come here, I will teach you."

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows, "Cross your feet temporarily, are you sure I can learn it?"

Huo Nanting said seriously, "Yes."

He never doubted Sang Jian's IQ.

Sang Jian walked over to take the pistol, Huo Nanting held her hand, hugged her from behind, and taught Sang Jian how to operate it.

Compared with Sang Jian's, his hands are ridiculously big, and they can completely wrap her hands.

He first explained the structure of the gun to Sang Jian seriously, and then told her how to use it.

Although he knew that Sang Jian would definitely be able to operate it, but since she said she couldn't, Huo Nanting took the trouble to teach her carefully.

He took all the bullets out of the gun, giving Sang Jian a chance to pull the trigger.

"If you add bullets, there will be recoil, so you have to remember this when the time comes."

An empty gun is different from a loaded gun.

Sang Jian nodded, listening seriously.

Huo Nanting slowly let go of her, ready to let her study it by herself.

He looked at Sang Jian's serious side face and was slightly distracted.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but Sang saw that this appearance was getting closer and closer to the one in his mind.

It's not like everyone else is empty-handed.

It's the kind... the feeling that can touch his heart.

Huo Nanting pursed his lips lightly.

This feeling is not good.

The more he sinks into this feeling, the more he feels that there is some huge conspiracy waiting for him.

If she really won't change her appearance in the future, if he can't, he can just scratch her face with a knife, right?

Anyway, he wouldn't want her.

Sang Jian suddenly turned his head to look at Huo Nanting, "Mr. Huo, you have been distracted for just a few seconds, I feel that my face has been disfigured thousands of times under your eyes."

His eyes were too hot, the kind with a knife.

Very penetrating!

Huo Nanting withdrew his gaze, and said as if nothing had happened: "Let's go, go and change clothes."

He pretended not to understand what she said.

According to the requirements, restore four chapters a day, you think more, illusion!It's all an illusion!
(End of this chapter)

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