Chapter 638 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (44)

Soon, Feng Tuo's men brought two horses over.

I don't know if it's the illusion of everyone, but I always feel that these two horses are the tallest and most powerful horses in the stable.

Obviously there was a shorter horse suitable for a girl like Sang Jian, but he chose such a big one.

Sang Jian was not as tall as a horse.

Is this targeting?
The others whispered.

Huo Nanting frowned and said, "Go and get my horse out."

Although his horse was comparable to these two tall and mighty horses, he was better at being obedient, so he could rest assured.

Feng Tuo said immediately, "Is this inappropriate? If she goes to the battlefield, she won't ride a horse with you all the time..."

Halfway through the conversation, Feng Tuo felt Huo Nanting's cold eyes sweeping over, he straightened his neck, and continued: "We are testing whether she can follow you to the war zone, not for fun..."

The further he talked, the lower his voice became.

"That's all. At present, there are still many people who disagree with me staying in the army. Don't waste time. Mr. Huo, we have to go home later, so we can't waste all our time on this."

Sang Jian had already walked towards one of the horses.

At the same time, he said to the man on the side: "You choose first, let me tell you about the rules by the way."

The man was not polite, he took the horse beside him and said, "Go to the racecourse for a lap, whoever finishes the race first wins."

Sang Jian nodded, "Yes."

She promised so readily, the man pulled the rein, turned over and got on the horse, "See you at the racetrack then!"

After speaking, he rode away on the horse.

Leaving Sang Jian far behind.

Sang Jian stretched out her hand to pull the rein of her own horse, it was indeed a bit difficult for her to get up at her height.

Huo Nanting has already asked someone to move a stool for her.

Sang Jian couldn't wait that long at all, everyone had already passed by.

She thought for a while, let go of the rein, and stretched out her hands to Huo Nanting, "Mr. Huo, come and hug me up!"

Huo Nanting was stunned for a moment.

Not to mention Huo Nanting, the other people on the side were startled.

What's the situation?The last horse needs someone to hold it up?
Is their young marshal this kind of person?

Of course Huonanting is this kind of person!
He just froze for a moment, then walked towards Sangjian, reached out to hug her up, and helped her onto the horse.

He whispered in Sang Jian's ear: "Hold on to the reins, be careful, winning or losing is not important, safety comes first."

Sang Jian smiled and said, "Who said in the office before that I'm not allowed to lose?"

"If it's shooting, you're dead if you lose, but riding a horse is another matter."

He's seen how she hit someone with the right head, with a sharp shot between the eyebrows.

It is impossible to lose to anyone.

But riding a horse really didn't make sense to him.

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

When Sang Jian got on the horse, he was much taller than Huo Nanting.

She patted Huonanting on the head boldly.

As if she felt that this was not enough, she suddenly bent down and kissed Huonanting on the cheek.

It was this movement that scared Huo Nanting into thinking that she was going to fall, so he quickly supported her waist with both hands, and his heart rose to his throat.

He didn't know that this little girl was playing hooligans until he felt a soft feeling on his face!
Huo Nanting raised his eyes and stared at her, out of breath.

The little girl seemed to be okay, and with his support, she sat up straight again.

"Mr. Huo should let go."

Huo Nanting: "..."

She likes playing hooligans so much, it will be better to have her in the future!

With that in his mind, he slowly let go of her.

The moment he just let go, Sang Jian rode his horse and rushed out, kicking up a cloud of dust.


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(End of this chapter)

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