Chapter 661 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (67)

"Tsk tsk tsk, this fire is really big."

Looking out from the bedroom of Sang Jian and Huo Nanting, one can see half of the sky in the distance that is reddened by flames.

Huo Nanting stood behind Sang Jian and hugged her gently from behind.

In the past few years, Sang Jian has grown wildly like a seedling. Back then, it reached Huo Nanting's waist, but now it has reached his shoulder.

Huo Nanting didn't need to lift her up, he could easily wrap her around her and put his head on her neck.

He just hugged Sangjian quietly like this, without saying anything.

Sang Jian was still looking at the scenery outside, and seemed to be in a good mood.

She was in a good mood, but she could feel Huo Nanting's bad mood.

Sang Jian held the hand on her waist and asked softly, "Mr. Huo, what are you worried about?"

"Huh?" Huo Nanting didn't seem to understand the meaning of her words.

Sang Jian said softly: "I feel that you have been in a bad mood recently, is it because of me?"

Because he promised to give her five years back then, and the time limit has expired, but he still hasn't done anything.

So these days he seems to be more clingy to her than ever, and he always takes her with him wherever he goes.

"Reluctant?" Sang Jian asked again.

Huo Nanting sighed heavily, he suddenly let go of Sang Jian's waist, put his hands on her shoulders, and made her turn around to face him.

Huo Nanting couldn't tell what it was like looking at the face in front of him that was magnified by the same amount and even became more and more refined.

He thought that as long as he let her train wildly, she would become dark and healthy like everyone else in the army.

As a result, not only did she not turn black, but the skin on her face was so delicate that even the pores could not be seen.

This is totally against common sense.

But when you think about her special situation, it doesn't seem unreasonable.

He raised one hand, and slowly stroked down from between Sang Jian's eyebrows.

When his fingertips touched her lips, Huo Nanting's eyes darkened, his Adam's apple rolled, "Sangsang has grown up..."

Sang Jian raised her eyebrows and was about to say something when Huo Nanting suddenly pushed her forcefully to the window sill behind her, pinched her chin with her fingers, and lowered her head to kiss her lips.


In the past, there would be kisses, but it was Sang Jian who took the initiative, and it was the kind that would leave at the touch of a button.

Because she knew that Huo Nanting could do whatever he said, but in fact he respected her very much. He had been waiting.

This is the first time Huo Nanting took the initiative.

It was also the first time that it was so... intense.

Sang Jian was pressed on the window sill by him, his hands tightly clutching the clothes on his chest.

The two were immersed in each other's world, and everything outside had nothing to do with them at this moment.


I don't know how long it took, Huo Nanting suddenly pushed Sang Jian away, turned around, staggered into the bathroom, and didn't give Sang Jian a second look.

Sang Jian was still leaning on the window sill, still panting.

A bright red flowed from her lips.

The uncle bit her at the end.

Sang Jian licked the blood on his lips, his expression was unclear.

"I've said it a long time ago, if you change the appearance of your things and change slowly over the past five years, it won't become like this."

Yiyuan's voice rang in Sang Jian's mind.

Yiyuan disappeared for a long time and came back two or three years ago.

Sang Jian didn't ask him what he was doing, and he didn't say anything himself.

Seeing the relationship between the two of them getting better and better in the past few years, he asked Sang Jian to change his appearance more than once, but Sang Jian stubbornly refused.

Huo Nanting became what she is now, all because of herself!
Sang Jian leaned against the window sill, tilting his head to look at the scenery outside, "Why do you think I'm being targeted?"

(End of this chapter)

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