Chapter 665 The Marshal's Ninth Wife (71)

No need for Sang Jian and Huo Nanting to be angry, Feng Tuo has already yelled, "Nonsense! Can such a thing be joked? If you don't even believe your comrades, what else can you believe?"

Feng Tuo criticized the man, and finally agreed with Sang Jian's idea.

Instead of sitting here waiting to die, it is better to fight.


Feng Tuo was worried that the opponent would come to the second round soon, so after the discussion that day, he immediately asked Huo Nanting to gather the rest of his team and sneak out.

However, there were still more than 1 people left in Huo Nanting's army, and they all slipped out. The number was too large.

In the end, two thousand elite soldiers were ordered, scattered and left, and reunited in the outskirts in the direction of Pingnan.

The invaders came in from Pingnan, and their base camp must be there.


Sang Jian and Huo Nanting were dressed in ordinary people's clothes and prepared to go out of the city hand in hand.

Now that there are intruders everywhere in Kyoto, it is natural to keep a low profile.

"Why must I take someone outside to fight?" Huo Nanting actually couldn't understand what Sang Jian meant.

"Minimize the number of casualties." Sang Jian said: "I know that if I let you take command, I won't lose if I fight hard, but the final result may be that both sides suffer."

"You said yourself that if you were trapped, you would choose to abandon the car to save the handsome man."

"We didn't abandon the car, and we can keep handsome."

Sang Jian raised his eyebrows at him, "Mr. Huo, rather than you commanding everyone, I hope you bring your own people to do things. Because not everyone is trustworthy."

How could other people's subordinates be willing to accept orders from him?
Huo Nanting raised his hand, put it on the top of her head and rubbed it gently, but did not answer.

His heartbeat was abnormally fast.

In many things, she was thinking of herself from his perspective.

This incident is really exciting to say, but Huo Nanting doesn't know why he is so "heartbeat".

He concealed his discomfort, and led Sang Jian out of the city.

Although the city is chaotic, people from other countries have not yet taken over the guarding of the city gates, so they can come and go freely.

After leaving the capital, the two walked all the way in the direction of Pingnan, planning to go back.

As a result, Sang Jian saw the hero on the road.

Sang Jian saw the protagonist like this all the time, the moment she saw the protagonist, a dazzling light emanated from the protagonist to remind her that he was the protagonist with the protagonist's halo!

After the reminder, the light will fade.

The male protagonist looks somewhat similar to Shao Yan, and he is talking to a group of young and vigorous men with high spirits.

One by one was motivated to blush and have thick necks, full of desire to fight.

That group of people should be the militia he summoned.

"Get everything, let's go to Pingnan now!"

The male lead waved to everyone in front of him, and a group of people left with him.

He said this sentence a little loudly, and Sang Jian heard it.

She couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, she wanted to go with the male lead.

The group of people led by the male protagonist has more than 100 people.

These people don't know if they are all his subordinates.

Sang Jian tugged Huo Nanting beside him, "You should know him, right?"

The male protagonist's group of people is too huge, Huo Nanting can't help but notice it.

Hearing Sang Jian's question, he nodded, "Shao Yan's younger brother, Shao Yu."

Sang Jian patted his arm, "Stay away from him in the future, he will retaliate against you."

"Mr. Huo, I have only one request for you, to live a good life no matter what, can you?"

(End of this chapter)

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