Chapter 672 The Personal Disciple Is the Demon Lord (2)

Before the Mozun disappeared, he told Sang Jian that sooner or later he would come back to get the sword.

Before he came back, she had to endure the pain of piercing her heart every day.

So day after day, year after year.

Mozun finally came back, as Yun Xian, a disciple of Qianfeng Sect.

However, the memory will not awaken until he is full.

Probably because he was a Demon Lord in his previous life, most of the Qianfeng Sect didn't like him.

When he was beaten and insulted by fellow apprentices, he fled to the forbidden area of ​​Houshan.

After so many years, the place where Sang Jian was nailed had already been built into a mausoleum.

Yun Xian broke in unintentionally, and the Wu Mo Sword trembled as if it had been sensed, and Sang Jian, who was in pain, woke up.

The magic sword has been stuck in Sang Jian's heart for thousands of years, and the evil energy inside has already eroded her body.

She is no longer the ancestor of the Qianfeng sect who was for the common people, but has become a half-demon body.

So she could also sense that Yun Xian was the Demon Lord.

Yun Xian, who has no memory, is a pitiful little girl. He pulled out the magic sword from Sang Jian and lifted her seal.

Sang Jian found out that he had lost his memory and turned into a teenager, and pretended to say that in order to thank him, he planned to accept him as his own disciple.

In fact, it was to keep him by his side and avenge him for so many years!
Sang Jian has long been a half-demon body, the kindness of the past no longer exists, and only resentment and viciousness remain.

Yun Xian was tortured half to death by her, and escaped only after being taken away by the demons.

Later, Yun Xian awakened his memory, took Sang Jian away, and tortured him back.

In the end, she announced her half-demon identity and threw her back to the Qianfeng faction.

She was killed by the disciples she was once proud of.

All in all, it's a sad story.

But it's not the heart that's being abused, it's the body.

Both sides have tortured each other's people, neither human nor ghost.

Too bloody.

"If this cloud string is the cause of power, then I may not be able to fulfill the original owner's wish."

After absorbing the memory, Sang Jian reminded Yi Yuan aloud.

"Huh? Why can't it be done?" Yi Yuan expressed doubts, "You think her wish is to kill Yun Xian?"

"Isn't it?" This surprised Sang Jian.

She and Yun Xian have tortured each other for a lifetime, and have been enemies in a sea of ​​blood for a lifetime, but their wish is not to kill Yun Xian for revenge?
"Of course not!" Yiyuan flipped through the wish of "Sang Jian", "Her wish is to hope that the Qianfeng faction can distinguish right from wrong and return to the position of the largest faction."

Sang Jian: "I don't understand."

"You have to understand!" Yiyuan explained: "After all, she was the one who founded the Qianfeng sect."

"What you're looking at is only the general plot, without many details. For example, during the years led by the original owner, everyone in the Qianfeng Sect developed...'Holy Mother' physique."

"This Madonna's physique is no ordinary Madonna. They will give all kinds of help to kind-hearted people, but they can't tolerate the slightest bit of sand in their eyes."

"When you encounter demons and demons, and humans with impure thoughts, you can kill them without asking why! Even if those demons have never done anything, you must die if you encounter them."

"It was because of this that the original owner was killed by the disciple he trained himself."

Although she has become a half-demon body, her personality and mentality have changed, but she only puts her perverted thoughts on Yun Xian, and has never hurt any disciple of Qianfeng Sect.

But the disciples of the Qianfeng Sect don't appreciate old feelings at all.

(End of this chapter)

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