Chapter 677 The Personal Disciple Is the Demon Lord (7)

Yun Xian froze.

He saw Sang Jian emerging from the water, like a lotus emerging from water.

He immediately turned around, turned his back to Sang Jian, and squatted down by the way, "No, don't look at evil."

Sang Jian looked at his squatting back, chuckled lightly, left him alone, and took a bath in peace.

After washing off the dirt on his face, Sang Jian showed his original appearance.

The original owner was 20 years old, and his appearance remained at the age of 20, which can be said to be the age of girls' vitality and sexiness.

Just by looking at her face, no one would know that she has lived for thousands of years.


There are a lot of clothes in the space of the original owner. When Sang Jian came out from the small river, he had already put on new clothes.

The long hair that was knotted just now was also tied up by her.

She walked behind Yun Xian, seeing that Yun Xian was still holding the Wu-Magic Sword, muttering something in her mouth.

The idea of ​​mischief suddenly rose.

She raised her leg and lightly kicked Yunxian's buttocks, and said aloud, "Let's go, let me heal you for the teacher."

Yun Xian was startled, and immediately jumped up from the ground, " need!"

He is not familiar with this old ancestor himself, and he saw her back just now, and now Yun Xian is a little closed in his heart.

I don't know how to face her.

His face was red up to the base of his neck.

"Boy, are you looking down on me for rejecting me over and over again?" Sang Jian narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a dangerous aura.

"I didn't..." Yun Xian turned around slowly, and when he saw Sang Jian's young face, his little face turned even redder.

He quickly lowered his head, and said falteringly: "Old... old ancestor... I just think that I am not as malleable as you imagined. I am a little flattered that you are like this."

"I have already called myself a teacher, and you still call me the ancestor? Do you despise me as a master?" Sang Jian tilted his head.

"That's not what I meant..." Yun Xian felt that he couldn't speak clearly.

How can she always move the topic to this?

How could he have the right to look down on her?

"Oh that's good." Sang Jian reached out and grabbed one of his arms, picked up the magic sword in his hand and threw it away, "I know you like it, but I always hold it. I'm not going to be happy."

Yunxian: "..."

He did like it a little bit, but his original plan was to return it to her!

She just dropped it on the ground...

Yun Xian felt distressed for a while.

Before Jian felt sorry for a few seconds, Yun Xian should feel sorry for himself.

Sang Jian pulled him to the river, and reached out to take off his clothes.

Frightened, Yun Xian clutched his chest and took several steps back, "I...I...can't!"

He doesn't think Sang Jian can appreciate his body, but he is 15 years old!At the foot of the mountain, you can take a concubine, how can you show it to others casually?
"Then take it off yourself." Sang Jian didn't force him, and withdrew her hand.

But his eyes kept looking up and down Yunxian, as if he was looking at how many catties he had.

Yun Xian lowered his head and blushed, held it in for a long time before he could say, "I'm not hurt..."

Sang Jian said, "I have other things to do."

Yunxian: "..."

Is this reminding him not to waste time?

But she doesn't care about her feelings at all!
Every time he talks, she doesn't listen at all!

Yun Xian stood there stubbornly and didn't move.

"It seems that I have to do it myself." Sang Jian sighed, stretched out his hand and dragged him to her, tearing his shirt.

Yun Xian felt that he had been insulted and trembled all over.

(End of this chapter)

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