Chapter 681 The Personal Disciple Is the Demon Lord (11)

Before Yun Xian could speak, Sang Jian took the lead and said, "What's the matter? I haven't seen you for thousands of years, and you don't even know me?"

Compared with pretending to be aggressive, Sang Jian has never been afraid of anyone.

She stood with her hands behind her back, blocking Yun Xian, raised her head slightly, looked at Yun Xian on the gazebo and said, "If you don't come down and apologize to me, your head will be replaced."

Mu Lan: "It's so big..." tone.

Before he could utter these two words, he suddenly seemed to remember something, his eyes widened, and he immediately flew down from above and stopped in front of Sangjian.

It was a little far away just now, and he only felt familiar. Now that the person is in front of him, he remembered it at a glance.


After the original owner established the Qianfeng Sect, he naturally wanted to recruit more disciples.

The first batch of disciples who entered the Qianfeng Sect headed by Mu Lan were all taught by the original owner himself, so it is no problem to call her Master.

Sang Jian nodded slightly, "It seems that you still know me, don't look at people from such a distance if you don't have good eyesight."

Mu Lan: "..."

Although he was stunned, the shock in his heart was still indescribable.

He asked suspiciously, "Why did you come out?"

After asking this question, his face changed greatly, "Is the Demon Lord back again? That sword can only be used by the Demon Lord!"

His face was serious, and he quickly wanted to send everyone in the sect into a state of alert.

Sang Jian stopped him, "I pulled it out myself, this kid brought me out to find you."

She pulled Yun Xian out from behind, and continued: "I'll talk about calling other people tomorrow. Now arrange a place for us to rest."

Mu Lan frowned, "Isn't that sword only the Demon Lord can pull out? And..."

Mu Lan put her eyes on Yun Xian, "What are you doing in the back mountain?"

Yun Xian had a pale face, lowered his head and said nothing.

Sang Jian explained: "This kid was bullied by fellow disciples, so he ran in unintentionally. By the way, when did the sect allow bullying fellow disciples?"

She was questioning Mu Lan.

Yun Xian behind him trembled slightly.

He didn't understand, was she trying to show him off?

Speaking of this, Mu Lan looked a little embarrassed, "I'm just teaching him to learn to resist..."

Sang Jian: "You are not his master, should you teach?"

Mu Lan: "..."

Why does it feel like my master has been imprisoned for thousands of years, and when he comes out, he has a lot of vicious tongue?
Mu Lan couldn't answer this sentence, so she could only change the subject dryly, "Master, you look the same as before..."

"Stop flattering! Do as I tell you!"

Mu Lan sighed, "Stay with me for the time being. I'm practicing recently and rarely come back."

He didn't come out of the house just now, but flew over from another place.

Sang Jian nodded, "Alright."

She dragged Yun Xian to follow Mu Lan.

Mu Lan took the two of them to a clean guest room.

"Are you satisfied here? I'll ask someone to change you to a clean place tomorrow." Mu Lan said.

Sang Jian nodded, "Yes."

Mu Lan moved her lips, as if she still wanted to say something.

Sang Jian entered the room, sat down on the stool, and poured himself a cup of tea, only to find that there was nothing in the teapot.

She put down the teapot helplessly, and said something that Mu Lan was curious about, "Thousands of years, that sword has absorbed my blood for thousands of years, and it has been fed by my blood for so long, the evil energy has almost been eliminated, so I pulled it out early."

(End of this chapter)

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