Chapter 695 The Personal Disciple Is the Demon Lord (25)

Sang Jian didn't notice his abnormality, and asked expectantly, "Is it delicious?"

Yun Xian regained consciousness when he heard the voice, and subconsciously swallowed the whole green grape.

He replied blankly: "It's delicious."

Sang Jian: "?"

She tilted her head to look at Yun Xian's face, wondering if he was lying, can this food be delicious?
Seeing her looking over, Yunxian's face turned red when she was still so close.

He turned his head and said again softly, "It's delicious."

Sang Jian: "..."

You blush with a bubble pot!

Sang Jian looked skeptical, she picked another one off, and wanted to try again.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Yun Xian secretly looking at him.

Sang saw the invisible hooked lips, and in the next second, stuffed the green grape in Yunxian's mouth again.

"Chew it for me!"

She pinched Yunxian's chin and pulled it up and down a few times.

A green grape exploded in Yunxian's mouth, and a sour and astringent taste burst out in his mouth.

This taste is very good.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yun Xian's little face, which was still reddish just now, turned blue in an instant. He avoided Sang Jian's hand, ran to the kitchen door, spit it out in a hurry, and drank two more ladles of water to suppress the sour taste in his mouth. .

"Master!" He stared at Sang Jian innocently and aggrieved, as if Sang Jian deliberately gave him unripe grapes.

Sang Jian shrugged, "Didn't you say it was delicious?"

"Then you can't feed me uncooked..." Isn't this clearly bullying him?

Before saying this, Yun Xian suddenly realized something, walked up to Sang Jian, reached out and picked one off.

"Aren't they all unfamiliar?"

Unbelievably, he put it in his mouth and took a bite.

The next second, he vomited again.


He was cheated!
They are all unfamiliar!
"Hurry up and cook, it's going to burn." Sang Jian reminded.

Yun Xian didn't dare to say anything more, walked to the stove silently, and continued cooking.

He sneaked a glance at Sang Jian, and said in a bad mood: "Master, don't eat, I will go to him tomorrow to settle the score!"

Sang Jian chuckled, "Forget it, with your IQ, you will only be deceived more."

Seeing that the trick was successful, Sang went out again with the green grapes in a good mood.

"Impossible!" Yun Xian wanted to refute something, but unfortunately Sang Jian had already walked away with the plate.


When Yun Xian finished cooking and placed it on the stone table in the yard, he scanned the yard, but he didn't see Sang Jian.

I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Master wouldn't think that he was deliberately messing with her, would he?Then ignore yourself?
Yun Xian's mind was always active, he was silent for a while, then turned and went into the kitchen to take out the bowls and chopsticks, but there was still no sign of Sang Jian in the yard.

In the past, when it was meal time, she would have been sitting by the side waiting for the meal.

Just when Yun Xian was hesitating whether to go to Sang Jian, Sang Jian came out of his room with a jar in his hands.

"Why don't you call me for dinner?"

Yun Xian's eyes lit up, and she immediately ran over to take the jar from her hand, "I thought Master was angry..."

As soon as he received the jar, Yunxian smelled a sour smell of grapes, and a smell that he didn't know how to describe.

Sang Jian asked him to put the jar on the stone table, "I'm angry, shouldn't you call me, come to me, and apologize to me? What does it mean to say nothing?"

Yun Xian put the jar on the table, and asked in a low voice: "If I take the initiative to apologize, will Master forgive me?"

"Then why not? The so-called knowledge of mistakes can make things better!" Sang Jian casually threw a lid on the jar.

(End of this chapter)

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