Chapter 699 The Personal Disciple Is the Demon Lord (29)

Mu Lan felt that she wanted to say something, but what Sang Jian said made him unable to continue.

After a while, Sang Jian threw several bottles of medicine on the table to him, "Take it!"

The mellow alchemy fragrance permeated the Qianfeng faction for a month, and at first everyone thought it was the alchemy institute doing something.

Later they found out that it was not the case. People in the alchemy academy were all going out to inquire about who was secretly refining the medicine.

Finally, it was found that the scent of Dan came from the back mountain, in the other courtyard of the ancestor Sangjian!
Since Sang Jian and Yun Xian lived in the back mountain, Sang Jian has set up an enchantment around them, only the two of them can come and go freely, and everyone else has to say hello when they want to come.

So the other elders in the Qianfeng Sect asked Mu Lan to come over and ask.

So the purpose of Mu Lan's visit today is to get some pills.

Sang Jian was not stingy, and made a few bottles on the spot and threw them to him.

Alchemy has never been difficult for her.

Mu Lan looked at the bottles of pills in her arms, pursed her lips, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Master."

"Hey hey..." Sang Jian stopped him, raised his hand and rubbed his fingers at him, "Don't thank me, just give me money."

Mu Lan: "..."

He took out two bank notes from his body expressionlessly and put them in front of Sang.

Seeing that she put it away happily, Sang's tone became much gentler, "How about this, you go back and tell those people later that you can come to me if you want pills in the future, and you can make any pills. The premise is that you bring enough money."

"You know, the ancestors haven't been in the society for a long time, and they are short of money."

Mu Lan: "...Understood."

There was a smell of vegetables from the kitchen.

Mu Lan suddenly put all the pills in her arms into the space, sat down on the stone bench beside Sang Jian, and didn't intend to leave.

Sang Jian was cleaning up the mess left by refining medicine, so he asked, "Aren't you leaving?"

Mu Lan said seriously: "Master, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I was still in retreat some time ago, so I didn't have time to catch up on the old days. I came out recently, and I think today is a good opportunity to catch up on the old days!"

"That's why you stayed here for dinner?" Sang Jian snapped.

"It's not about eating, I just want to try my junior's skills." Mu Lan said seriously.

In fact, he could go without food.

He wanted to see how the two of them usually get along.

How is it different from when he and Sang Jian got along before?
I also want to see how she trains Yun Xian, a waste who can't gather aura.

Sang Jian said softly, "I don't have your tableware."

Everything in the kitchen is prepared for two people.

Unexpectedly, Mu Lan turned her wrist, and there was an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks in her hand.

He gently put it on the stone table, and said solemnly: "I bring my own bowl and chopsticks."

Sang Jian: "..." Awesome.

In this way, Mu Lan still stayed.


When Yun Xian finished cooking and brought all the dishes to the stone table, he felt a little uncomfortable seeing that Mu Lan hadn't left yet.

Does Master like Mu Lan so much?

Actually allow him to stay for dinner?

Wouldn't this be him serving Mu Lan!

After all, he cooks the food.

Reluctant in his heart, Yun Xian still didn't say anything.

He just bowed his head silently while eating at the dining table, expressing his dissatisfaction to Sang Jian.

Fortunately, Mu Lan didn't eat after taking two bites.

In the past few thousand years, he was almost used to eating all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, and the rice cooked by Yun Xian really couldn't enter his mouth.

But seeing Sang Jian eating with gusto, he wondered if there was any problem with Sang Jian's sense of taste.

Just when she was about to speak, Sang Jian who was at the side suddenly made a sound...

(End of this chapter)

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