Chapter 904 Take the boss to take the pentakill (63)

Lin Su returned to his room, stood in front of the computer desk, condescendingly looked down at the camera next to the computer with the little red dot still flashing.

He reached out and turned off the camera.

Then shut down the computer, this time it was completely downloaded.

Regardless, she succeeded.

He really likes her now, and he is going to take her home to meet her parents tomorrow, so he is still a little excited.


Tonight, another strong wind in the e-sports circle was set off.

It was still from the live broadcast room of Lin Su and Sang Jian.

Originally Ah Sang was doing a good live broadcast, but suddenly a large number of trolls flooded into the live broadcast room, making some unrealistic rumors that were extremely unfriendly to women.

As a result, she was in a bad mood and suddenly downloaded the broadcast. The result may be that she was too anxious and forgot to turn off the microphone and camera. Some news "leaked" made the bamboo platform fall into the cusp.

Zhuzi's staff didn't expect that, they just asked the navy to slander Ah Sang casually, but they didn't expect that Ah Sang would blow it up in this way.

Very busy now.

In fact, not all of them are on Sangjian on the Internet, and some people think that Sangjian is hypocritical, and if someone brushes a few dirty words, they will leave so many fans and download it.

What's so bad about it?So many anchors have experienced this kind of thing, why is she the only one who likes to do things?

Seeing this, Zhuzi's staff stepped up their efforts to let Shui Jun follow the words of these netizens and label Sang Jian as a hypocritical woman.

Although this kind of label can't affect what Sang sees, it can at least destroy part of the popularity of passers-by.


Neither Sang Jian nor Lin Su paid much attention to the turmoil on the Internet.

At this moment, Sang Jian was sitting in Lin Su's car, rushing to Lin's house.

Sang Jian had never known Lin Su's family before, but he only knew that it was quite difficult.

I didn't expect it to be so simple. His family didn't live in a villa, but a manor!

Lin Su's car drove into the huge manor, and flower beds could be seen everywhere, with colorful flowers blooming in them.

The surrounding servants stood in two rows, bowed their heads slightly, and welcomed them.

Lin Su parked the car in front of one of the houses and took Sang Jian out of the car.

"Brother Su, is it a bit exaggerated?" She asked in a low voice.

Lin Su took her hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, and don't feel inferior, as long as you are willing, I will not let you go."

It seemed a bit exaggerated, he was afraid that Ah Sang would feel unworthy of him and propose to break up.

Without waiting for Sang Jian's reaction, he led Sang Jian into the house.

Sang Jian looks like he has never seen the world, but his heart is very calm.

She suddenly thought of the massacre in a certain world, and she had no interest in the manor at all.

But she is a dog now, so she has to pretend.

As soon as he entered the door, Sang Jian saw an elegant lady sitting on the leather sofa in the living room. She was holding a small cup in her hand and was drinking the tea in the cup.

"Are you back?" Hearing the movement from the door, Lin's mother put down her teacup and looked sideways at Lin Su and Sang Jian.

Today, Sang Jian abandoned the original owner's usual shameless black style, and wore a fresh and refined little skirt, with long hair draped over her shoulders, adding a touch of gentleness and ladylikeness.

Mother Lin's eyes kept scanning Sangjian, regardless of whether she was polite or not.

After a while, she frowned and said, "I'm really blind."

Sang Jian: "..."

pretty!Get off your horse on the spot!

Sang Jian lowered her head sadly, looking at her toes, feeling a little uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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