Chapter 908 Take the boss to take the pentakill (67)

Under Lin's mother's warm hospitality, Sang Jian returned to the apartment with Lin Su until evening.

Tonight's live broadcast is also a bit late.

After the broadcast started, a large number of fans flooded into her live broadcast room and told her what happened today on the barrage.

Sang Jian only noticed at this time that the Kunlun live broadcast really covers his people.

"Don't worry, Ah Sang, the bamboo people don't dare to do anything to you now, we can drown them all by spitting!"

"That's right, we don't believe the rumors they made!"

"The live broadcast platforms are more reliable than Lin Su, so why don't you consider replacing Lin Su!"

In fact, less than half of Ah Sang's fans are Lin Su's black fans. After all, they used to be competitors, and their support for Ah Sang is tantamount to attacking Lin Su.

After Ah Sang and Lin Su tied cp recently, those black fans of Lin Su and Ah Sang's true fans are really the first two big!
It's rare not to see Lin Su in Sang Jian's live broadcast room today, if you can persuade him, hurry up!

However, not long after this barrage passed, Lin Su's figure appeared outside Sang Jian's bedroom door.

He walked in slowly with a midnight snack in hand.

"Is it going well?" Putting the supper on the table, Lin Su pulled the stool over and sat next to him, greeting the fans in the live broadcast room very calmly.


Fans in the live room: "..."

Hey you bastard!Don't you have your own studio? !

Sang Jian tilted his head and smiled at Lin Su, "It has been solved by the people on the platform."

"That's good." Lin Su breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the messages on the bullet screen discreetly, and said without changing his face: "Little Ah Sang, you eat first, and I will fight for you."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and pushed Sang Jian's gaming chair with wheels aside, pulled the stool and sat in front of the camera, and gave Sang Jian all the late-night snacks.

"Brother Su, I..." Sang Jian wanted to say something.

Lin Su smiled and turned to look at her, "Huh? What's wrong?"

With a smile on his face obviously, Sang Jian could barely see a hint of danger.

It seemed that if she dared to refuse his proposal, she would be miserable in a short while.

Sang Jian: "..." The boy became stiff.

"It's nothing." She replied softly, then opened the snack and started eating.

Lin Su was very satisfied with Sang Jian's self-consciousness.

He occupied the entire camera, took Sang Jian's cell phone, and started the top game.

The account is naturally Sang Jian's account.

While playing games, he was still noticing the fans in the live broadcast room.

"Tell everyone a happy event."

"Isn't the start of the broadcast late today? Because I brought little Ah Sang home to meet her parents, and I'm going to get married with her. My black fans on the barrage, please be careful with your words."

Everyone: "..."

Sang Jian who was eating next to him: "..."

Seeing that she also paused, Lin Su leaned his head towards her and whispered, "What's the matter? Little Ah Sang doesn't want to announce the good news?"

Sang Jian shook his head, "No, I'm just a little shy when I heard Brother Su say that we will get married in the future."

Lin Su glanced at her, but she really didn't look shy.

Speaking of it, it seems that since they got together, she has rarely been shy!

Sure enough, he was the one who fell into the trap!
However, now he wants to know more about what little Ah Sang's original character was like.

Hmm... Do you want to touch her bottom line and let her explode?
Is this method reliable?
"Brother Su, don't try some things." Sang Jian reminded him softly as if he knew what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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