Chapter 910 Take the boss to take the pentakill (69)

He just wandered off for a while, thinking about how to defraud little Ah Sang for a while, asking her to tell him what she was up to recently.

In just a few moments, she locked herself in her room.

Although he can open this lock at any time, and then leave here without looking back.

But he just doesn't want to go!
My butt seems to be stuck to the chair and I can't get up.

From time to time, his eyes swept over the bathroom door.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Su stood up, opened the door of the room, and left quietly.

When Sangjian came out, looking at the empty bedroom, he was a little surprised.

Didn't expect Lin Su to be such a gentleman!

It doesn't look like...

Sang Jian didn't pay much attention to it. Recently, she has been busy with breaking down the bamboo live broadcast during the day, and she has to live broadcast again at night. Although she is getting better, she is still quite tired.

Just as she was about to go out, she turned off the light in the living room and came back to sleep.

There was a sound from the outside door, and after a while, Lin Su appeared in her sight again.

This time, he was holding a set of pajamas in his hands.

"Yo! It's finished washing!"

He conveniently turned off the light in the living room, squeezed into Sang Jian's bedroom, and then got into the bathroom, "Since Ah Sang sincerely wants to keep me overnight, I won't be pretentious anymore, and give Ah Sang a face."

Sang Jian: "..."

So he left just to go home and get his pajamas?
It's really yours!
Listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, Sang Jian silently closed the door, and lay down under the covers with her mobile phone.

For such things, Sang Jian has always been very calm.

While chatting with someone on the phone, she was paying attention to the bathroom.

About 10 minutes later, Lin Su came out from inside.

He took a dry towel and wiped his hair casually, only glanced at Sang Jian on the bed, and then moved away.

Naturally, he found Sang Jian's hair dryer and dried his hair.

When everything was almost packed, he walked to the other side of the bed and looked down at Sang Jian.

Sang Jian also looked up at him.

The two looked at each other, Lin Su quickly looked away again, stretched out his hand to lift the quilt, and lay down under the quilt without seeming nervous at all.

That, too, just doesn't look tense.

God knows how fast Lin Su's heart is beating now.

He stood by the bed just now, giving Ah Sang time to repent, but she didn't refuse.

So he lay down.

He used Sang Jian's shower gel just now, and now both of them exude the same fragrance, which he often smells on Sang Jian.

The two of them were lying in the same bed again, which inevitably made people a little confused.

"Little Ah Sang, it's too late for you to regret it now." Lin Su looked at the ceiling and couldn't help but said.

"It's just a bed, what's there to regret?" Sang Jian stuffed the phone under the pillow.

He stood up and turned off the light in the bedroom.

The room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

Lin Su: " you misunderstand me?"

"Do you think I'm the contemporary Liu Xiahui? Or, my whole body makes you think that I'm a good person, and I won't treat you badly?"

In the darkness, Lin Su's voice was exceptionally clear.

But if you listen carefully, you can hear the stiffness in the tone.

"Brother Su, go to bed early." Sang Jian yawned.

Lin Su: "...Let me tell you, little Ah Sang, a man and a widow live together in the same room, the atmosphere has already been set up here, you tell me to sleep? Normal people can't do such a thing!"

Sang Jian: "..." The mouth-strong king went online, uttering obscenities, but actually doing nothing!

Waiting for who will take the initiative? !

(End of this chapter)

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