Chapter 921 Take the boss to take the pentakill (80)

When Lin Su and Sang saw that they were going to build a professional team, there was an uproar.

I thought the two of them were just talking casually. After all, Sang Jian is just an anchor. Although her skills are good, she has never been in a professional arena. Can she do it in a professional team?

Lin Su has been in the professional arena, but he only stayed for three years. Can he lead the team well?

Everyone is on the sidelines of their club.

Whether they can lead a professional team is really hard to say, some believe in them, and some don't.

But those who don't believe it just don't believe them, which doesn't mean they don't believe the people they recruited.

If the club can invite some veterans to be coaches or something, maybe there will be a miracle.


Three months later, Bamboo Company has changed a lot, and it has been transformed according to the standards of general game clubs.

And the name was also changed, to the Fate Club.

Lin Su couldn't play professionally by himself, so he created a professional team and watched his own people play.

The original owner ended his life from this building, and Sang Jian revived the meaning of the original owner's existence from this building.

She is no longer just an anchor who can only hide behind the computer and dare not speak or show her face.

She is now one of the bosses of a professional club and has a stable job.

She can also shine brightly in front of people.

Everything is destiny.


After the company has been remodeled, it is a matter of personnel.

There are quite a few people who signed up.

When Lin Su said in the live broadcast room that he welcomed the old players of the Xiangyang team, everyone in the Xiangyang team saw it.

But the people in the club saw that the club was like this, and Lin Su seemed to want his old players very much.

Thinking that they could raise the price and wait for Lin Su to negotiate with them.

It's a pity that Lin Su never came. Instead, he kept recruiting newcomers from all walks of life and formed a grassroots team.


"Little Ah Sang guessed wrong."

Lin Su recently dyed his hair black, and now wearing a suit, he looks a lot more mature.

At this time, the two are in the new company's Fate Club, watching the new players play through the surveillance.

It was rare for Sang Jian to wear professional attire, and he looked a lot more serious.

Hearing Lin Su's words, she turned to look at him, not knowing what he meant.

Lin Su explained: "You said before that the Xiangyang Club is no longer good, and they might sell the players inside to me for the sake of feeling guilty about me."

"Pfft..." He twirled a pen in his hand, chuckled and said, "If they had a conscience, they wouldn't treat me like that. Now they're probably waiting for me to deliver it to their door and slaughter it for them." .”

Sang Jian: "..."

No wonder he didn't look for poachers for so long, it turned out that he had already seen through the insidiousness of the Xiangyang Club.

"I remember Brother Su asked me if I wanted to play professionally, and said he recommended me to join Xiangyang."

Sang Jian looked away, and teased, "Brother Su has no good intentions?"

"How come?" Lin Su raised his eyebrows, "I just didn't expect little Asang to take it seriously, and I still remember it now."

"I was joking at the time, but you didn't see it? How could Xiangyang Club accept girls? Even if I really recommend it, they won't want you."

Sang Jian: "..."

This is a bit heartbreaking to say.

It seems that some professional arena in a certain world said they don’t want girls, so girls are discriminated against when playing games?

"Then what should we do now? Don't want your old teammates anymore?" Sang Jian changed the subject.

  Pfft, the last chapter has been under review, it may be that I wrote too much, I will change it after I finish all the changes, and see if it comes out.

(End of this chapter)

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