Chapter 925 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (2)

"Princess! This guy is stealing food in the kitchen. I brought him over for you. Let's see how to punish him!"

An indistinguishable child's voice sounded from outside.

Immediately afterwards, a seven or eight-year-old boy in knight uniform walked in, dragging another boy in knight uniform.

The boy dragged by him was thin and expressionless. After entering here, he didn't even lift his eyelids.

He has a head of natural chestnut hair, which is limp on the top of his head, and looks very cute.

Losan was dragged in front of the princess by Baker, he shrank with lowered eyes, as if a little scared.

He woke up from the kitchen and remembered this episode.

The princess never cared about his food. She was really hungry and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

It's just that everyone is watching him make a mistake, so that he can be brought and thrown to the princess to see him tortured.

At that time, he had just entered the kitchen and fainted from hunger before doing anything.

Baker, who had been staring at him in the dark, rushed out immediately to bring him to the princess.

The princess locked him up for three days and let other people torture him. As long as he can't die, they can beat him casually.

Luo Sian remembered that he almost died in this episode, but fortunately he managed to hold his breath and survived.

But... Thinking of his final ending, Losan concealed the deep hatred in his eyes.

At that time, he was still blaming himself in his heart, feeling that he had offended the princess again.

Thinking about it now, it's really ironic.

"Talk! Are you dumb? Do you dare to steal something and dare not admit it?"

Barker couldn't help but kick Losan.

At a young age, I don't know where I learned these bullying methods.

Sang Jian was still sitting on the edge of the bed at this time, with a small white and chubby hand propping his chin, and his big moist eyes glanced back and forth at Losan and Bakel.

"Princess?" Barker saw that Losan did not speak, and did not wait for the princess to reply, so he felt something was wrong in the atmosphere.

Seeing him looking at her, Sang Jian waved at him, and the cute voice sounded again, "You go out first, Brother Baker."

Apart from her two knights, the only people who could approach her and chat with her were the maids who served her daily necessities.

The maids are well aware of the seniority and inferiority, and rarely communicate with her.

On the contrary, Ba Keer, from time to time, took advantage of Luo Si'an's absence to brainwash her, saying that the lineage of the devil king is a disaster, and it would be bad luck to stay with him.

The little princess is still immature, how can she hear these words?

After listening to it too much, I also feel that it is bad luck to see Losan every day, so I frantically make trouble for him, trying to make him disappear in front of my eyes.

Out of sight out of mind.

"Princess...won't you punish him?" Bakker's little face was in disbelief.

Sang Jian jumped off the bed with her bare feet, stepped on the soft carpet, pulled her little skirt, and walked towards Luo Si'an.

"I will punish him myself!"

Baker: "..."

Can't tell where it's weird?

But the princess had to listen to her words.

Ba Keer glared at Luo Si'an viciously, and said in his heart: This kid is cheap!

For such a little milk baby as the princess, how can her punishment be severe?

The door of the room was closed, and Luo Sian knelt on the carpet, his head almost buried in his chest, and he didn't dare to look up at all. His shoulders seemed to be trembling, and he looked terrified.

In fact, there was a coldness in the eyes with his head down.

I don't understand why she didn't let Baker lock herself up according to the plot of the previous life just now?

Where is the mistake?
  Little Twelve is here!
  Thank you for your rewards and votes, meme!
  good night!

(End of this chapter)

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