Chapter 927 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (4)

"You didn't make a mistake, what are you doing kneeling all the time?"

Sang Jian walked to the French window, sat at the small table next to her, picked up the milk on the table, and took a sip.

"Would you like some milk?"

Los Ann: "..."

The piece of cake he just ate seemed to be her afternoon tea.

This piece of cake made him recover a little bit of strength.

Losan picked up the empty plate, stood up from the ground, walked over slowly, put the plate on the small table, and said with downcast eyes: "Sorry."

The voice seemed not as hoarse as before.

Sang Jian put down the milk in his hand, pushed it in front of him, and said in a somewhat disgusted tone, "You are so annoying."

Los Ann: "?"

Sang Jian held her chin in her chubby hands, and looked at the garden downstairs, where a few butterflies were flying among the flowers.

the weather is nice today.

She didn't look back, and said softly: "You say you, you are not as lively and cheerful as Baker, and you are so careful with me, as if there is a barrier between us. I don't like this kind of relationship, so I don't like it. It's hard to like you like this."

Los Ann: "..."

Is it really just that?
He obviously knew that he was from the lineage of the Demon King, and hated him from the very beginning.

How could it be because of his character that she didn't like him?

In the last life, he will never forget the eyes he saw and the words she said before he died.

She said: "The blood of the devil king is disgusting."

"Hands are dirty, and so are skirts."

"Hurry up and prepare bath water for me to wash away my bad luck."

"His corpse... was tied to a cross, pushed to the gate of the city and burned to purify his disgusting blood of the Demon King."

It came out of the mouth of a girl who had just given birth.


Hatred surged deep in Losan's eyes, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

He didn't reply to Sang Jian's words, and fell into his own emotions.

If he had no memory of his previous life, he might reflect on whether he was really not good enough after hearing what the princess said.

In the previous life, she didn't like herself, and he also reflected in this way.

But after a lifetime, her words were of no use to him.

What she says and does now has ulterior motives in his eyes.

Don't look at her attitude towards him has eased now, there may be other more unbearable punishments waiting for him later.

Sangjian observed Losan through the shadow reflected through the glass window.

It seems that the original owner left a lot of psychological shadow on him in his last life.

But she also understood that if her enemy from the previous life stood in front of her, she would kill him without hesitation.

But this enemy is herself, and she wants to attack him.

All we can do now is throw the pot away!
Fortunately, they are still young now, Losan's strength has not yet risen, and they will not act rashly.

Before he gets stronger, she still has a chance to gain favor.

"Look, it's boring to keep silent after saying a few words."

She stood up from her chair, pouted her lips and glared at Losan, "Drink the milk, it's disgusting to look at you."

After speaking, he ran to the bed with short legs and lay down on his stomach.

This person has lived two lifetimes, so she can't change too much, or he will find out that she is not alone.

Although... he can more or less guess something at the end of each world, but she must not be exposed at the beginning!
Luo Sian came back to his senses when she said the first sentence, and a trace of scarlet flashed in his eyes.

Without even thinking about it, she picked up the glass of milk she drank and drank it down.

(End of this chapter)

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