Chapter 929 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (6)

Sang Jian waited in the room, waiting for Luo Si'an to come back.

The sun outside was almost setting.

Originally, I wanted to take him out for a stroll while the weather was good, but how can I go shopping when the sun goes down?
How long does it take to take a shower?
Sang Jian frowned slightly, jumped off the bed, put on her shoes and left the room.

"Princess." The two maids outside the door greeted respectfully.

Sang Jian pulled her skirt, raised her chin, and asked casually, "Where's the Rosean knight? Haven't you been back?"

"Yes, after I went down with the bowl, I never came back."

Sang Jian: "..."

I'm afraid something happened.

Sang Jian ran downstairs with his short legs.

The two maids behind were shocked when they saw this, "Princess, slow down!"


In the castle, there is a small black room dedicated to detaining those who make mistakes. Rosean has only been a knight of the princess for two weeks, and he is already a frequent visitor to the small black room.

Basically Baker threw him in, either because he wanted to, or because the princess ordered him to.

Losan was lying on the ground with blood on his head, struggling to get up.

Baker, who was next to him, kicked up and kicked Luo Si'an to the ground again.

"Ha, Luosian, I really don't know where you got the courage. The princess gave you a little face, and you dare to threaten me."

"If I tell the princess about this, the princess will definitely decide for me. You will have to come back to this little black room sooner or later."

Baker squatted down, stretched out his hand to pinch Losan's chin, and looked at his blood-stained appearance, feeling very good.

"It's a pity, I can't kill you. When the princess becomes an adult, she still needs your heart to help her succeed."

"When the princess comes to power, I will be her only earl."

"It's really bad luck to be her knight with you now."

"You still dare to stare at me? You don't want your eyes anymore?"

A trace of cruelty flashed in Barker's eyes, and he raised his hand to poke Losan's eyes.

Losan subconsciously closed his eyes, frowning.

From the moment he woke up and met the princess again, things seemed to get out of hand.

Where was this plot in the previous life?

The hands beside Luo Si'an clenched tightly, and a purple electric current flashed faintly in the hands.

Rosean was about to raise his hand when he felt Bakel's fingers close at hand.

Suddenly, with a bang, the door of the small black room was kicked open.


Bacol stopped and looked back abruptly.

Luo Si'an let out a breath of foul air silently. He almost...almost revealed his strength and killed Bakr.

Killing Bakel at this stage is not a wise choice.

What's more, Baker's identity is also someone he can't touch now.

He slowly opened his eyes, wanting to see who came to save him.

Looking at it, I saw two guards and two maids standing at the door, surrounded by a little girl like a doll.

"Baker, what are you doing?" The familiar little milk voice sounded at the door, seeming to be a little angry.


Ba Keer quickly let go of Luo Si'an, wiped his hands on his body, and ran to Sang Jian's side.

"I'm teaching Roseanne a lesson!"

"He made a mistake again?" Sang Jian glanced at the horrific Losan on the ground.

Heck, with a 20-year-old soul, he can still be beaten like this by a seven-year-old boy.

This guy has a deeper sense of substitution than her!
Although she is also pretending to be a child, she will resist when she is bullied!

Los Ann: "..."

He felt that the princess looked at him a little strangely, but he couldn't tell why.

(End of this chapter)

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