Chapter 938 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (15)

He didn't respond, but lowered his head and sorted out the notes he had written for the princess.

The other boys glanced at each other, looked at Sang Jian who was still lying on the table sleeping, reached out and tapped the table in front of Luosian lightly, "Come out with us, and ask you something."

Los Ann: "..."

He was beaten as soon as he went out, he still doesn't know what these little kids are thinking?
However, Luosian still packed up his things, put them on Sang Jian's table, stood up, and prepared to go out with this group of people.

However, just when he was about to bypass Sang Jian and leave, Sang Jian, who had been sleeping on the table, suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed Luo Si'an's wrist.

Rosen was stunned.

Seeing baji baji, Sang slowly opened her eyes, first glanced at Losan, and then turned to look at the few little boys around the table.

"What do you want to do?" Sang Jian, who had just woken up, sounded childish and hoarse.

There was some doubt in his eyes.

"Grand...princess, are you awake?"

Seeing that Sang Jian had woken up, several little boys took a few steps back.

Sang Jian was still holding Losan's wrist tightly with one hand, rubbed his eyes with the other hand, and asked in doubt: "My people, do you dare to make up your mind?"

"No... dare not... just want to ask him about Bakel..."

The princess is the most favored by the king. Although they are used to being arrogant, they still have to bow their heads in front of Sang.

If they offend her, they will be punished lightly, and it will be troublesome for the adults in the family.


Sang Jian snorted coldly at them, stood up and pulled Luo Sian outside, "Take your notes with you."

"..." Losan picked up the notes on the table and followed Sang Jian's footsteps.


"Knight Losan, if you can't even protect yourself, how can you protect this princess?"

After leaving the classroom, Sang Jian dragged him to a corner of the garden and scolded him.

Luo Si'an held the notebook, lowered her head and let her teach her a lesson, not knowing what she was thinking.

"If I hadn't woken up just now, you really planned to go out with them?" Sang Jian stood in front of him, a head shorter than him.

He looked down at his toes, and she stuck right in front of him, raising her head to force him to look at herself.

Losan turned her head to avoid her gaze, and said in a low voice: "Isn't it normal that they want to bully me? With the princess, I can't compare to Bakel, I just make up for it, and anyone can bully me. "

Sang Jian was taken aback for a moment, was he complaining to her?

"It's my business if I bully you, it's not okay for others to bully you! In the future, if someone doesn't take you seriously, just tell me and I'll teach him a lesson for you!"

Sang Jian clenched his little fist.

Los Ann: "..."

If she hadn't bullied herself the most and made others think that she simply looked down on him and ignored him, how would others dare to attack him?
But Losan didn't say that.

He nodded, with a serious look on his face, "I see."

"You better know." Sang Jian crossed his arms and said angrily, "I bullied you for a while before, but can I bully you the same as others bully you? I'm a princess, what's wrong with bullying you? Others What is a person? You are my personal knight, and your rank is higher than them, so there is no need to be afraid of them!"

She spoke so seriously that Rosean almost believed it.

Why almost?

Because he felt that the little princess in front of him was just talking casually.

From a person who hated him so much, he became so kind to him in an instant, no matter how you look at it, he feels that he has bad intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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