Chapter 949 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (26)

"But...but..." Bacol wanted to refute something, but he didn't know what to say.

He was so anxious that sweat oozed from his forehead.

Sang Jian didn't give him a chance to speak at all, she said again: "In the future, you must do more good deeds and be loved and respected by everyone. Only when you become an earl in the future will you have more right to speak and dignity. If you keep relying on coercive means Letting others submit to you will only make them listen to you on the surface and call you a little turtle in their hearts!"

Bacol: "...Princess, you have changed."

After holding back for a long time, Baker finally held back these words.

Sang Jian nodded, "Yes, because I don't want to be scolded as a little turtle."

Baker opened his mouth, wanting to say something, suddenly he seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye, he was stunned for a second, and then a sneer flashed in his eyes.

He opened his mouth and said to Sang Jian: "Of course I listen to what the princess says. I will be a good person in the future, respect the old and love the young, and help the old lady cross the road."

"But Luosian's words...he is born rebellious, so he doesn't need other methods, he may not be convinced...and if he knows that I will be the only earl after the princess agrees, he may be very angry and want to kill him in a fit of anger Me, can't I fight back?"

He said the last paragraph extremely loudly, as if someone might not hear him.

Sangjian raised an imperceptible arc at the corner of his mouth, and said earnestly: "You just need to help others more and be a good person in the future. I will help you watch over Luosi'an, and I will definitely not let him be against you. Of course , you will not be able to attack him in the future."

"Baker, you can't let him catch you, otherwise I won't be able to protect you if he reports you for doing bad things in the future."

Baker listened to this sentence.

He didn't care about what the princess said about being a good person and doing good deeds before.

After being reminded by Sang Jian, Ba Keer suddenly became serious.

That's right, he can't let Losan catch his mistake!
This kid is his deadly enemy, and now the princess won't turn to him for no reason, if Luo Sian still grabs him by the pigtail, then he will be miserable!
He nodded heavily, "I know the princess."

Then, he glanced at a certain place again, and said loudly: "Then I won't bother with him in the future, after all, I will be the grand earl in the future! Ah... suddenly remembered that Losan is from the lineage of the devil king, and he will It is a sacrifice to the princess, and it won't last long. The princess is wise!"

Sang Jian didn't respond to his words, she lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

I almost laughed out loud.

She would like to call Barker the emotional catalyst of the strongest tool man!

He is still good at stirring up conflicts between her and Luo Si'an!

However, this kind of thing is not a contradiction to her, it is called an "opportunity" for her to speak her mind to Luosi'an.

Losan's room is on the first floor, so Sang Jian chose to talk to Baker in the lobby.

This will definitely lead to Rose Ann.

Ba Keer could sense the existence of Luo Si'an, and deliberately said such words to annoy him, how could she not know that Luo Si'an was eavesdropping?
Now her little knight must be mad with anger.

Time to talk to her little knight.

Sang Jian glanced at Ba Keer, who was still complacent, and said casually, "Ba Keer, why don't you cook for me?"

The expression on Bakker's face is a bit restrained, he doesn't know how to cook at all?

But seeing the princess' "expectation" appearance, Baker still complied!
"Go here!"

He lifted his legs and ran to the kitchen.

After Bakel disappeared, Sang Jian stood up from the sofa, and when she turned around, she found that Luo Si'an was looking at her coldly not far away.

The moment she saw her looking over, Losan turned around and left.

  Thank you for your rewards and votes, good night, meme~
(End of this chapter)

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