Chapter 951 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (28)

She didn't seem to want to help herself.

Luo Si'an also pretended not to see it, and turned back to continue reading his book, but it was a pity that he couldn't read anything just now, especially now.

What is the little princess doing here in the middle of the night without sleeping?
What he didn't realize was that the hostility in his heart had dissipated without a trace.

It seemed that she not only didn't let Baker bathe her, but also didn't let Baker sleep with her.

Otherwise, she wouldn't return this dress in the middle of the night.

The little princess usually loves to be clean.

Luo Si'an pretended not to see Sang Jian, but the corner of his eyes was always on Sang Jian.

Don't you know what size this little guy is?So short, still learning how to climb windows?

She came to knock on his door, she is a princess, how dare he refuse to open the door for her?

What is going on in her little head?
Rosean was full of thoughts.

" hurts..."

At this moment, Sang saw that one of them lost his grip, and the hand holding on to the window sill slipped a little.

She felt the burning pain in the palm of her hand, which should have been worn out.

But her fingers were still gripping the window sill, preventing herself from falling completely.

She glanced at Losan who pretended not to see her, gritted her teeth and continued not to call him.

The little princess will never bow her head first!

However, she bowed her head when she came to him first.


Sang Jian took a deep breath and was about to find a way to continue climbing.

There was finally movement in the room.

Rosean stood up from the chair and turned on the light in the room with a snap.

The glare of the light made Sang Jian unable to react for a moment, she closed her eyes tightly, and let go of her hands from the window sill.

Seeing that she was about to fall, suddenly, a pair of cold and slender hands grabbed her wrists and hung her by the window.

This height was the level at which Luo Sian let her go, and she could fall to the ground and stand firm.

It wouldn't hurt to fall, but she was too short to touch the ground.

At this time, one of them was standing in the room, and the other was hanging by the window. The picture was extremely strange.

Ross looked down at Sang Jian condescendingly, but Sang Jian's eyes were still tightly closed, as if he hadn't gotten used to the harsh lights in his room.

"Princess, what are you doing?" Losan didn't rush to pull her in, but asked first.

Sang Jian pursed her lips and said nothing, her small face wrinkled into a bun.

Still seems to be angry.

Luo Si'an stared at her for a while, then suddenly said: "I can't hold you anymore."

Only then did Sang Jian open his eyes, and there were still physiological tears in the eyes that were left behind by the strong light.

She glared at Luosian bitterly, looking a little aggrieved.


Luo Si'an sighed, "You should use some strength yourself."

Saying that, he began to pull Sang Jian into the house.

He is only seven years old now, how much strength can he have?

Relying on him alone, he really can't move her who is hanging in the air.

Fortunately, Sang Jian really wanted to come in, after hearing what he said, he worked hard with him, and finally turned in from the window.

She was sitting on the window sill, and Luo Si'an was about to hug her down, when Sang saw the whole person and rushed towards him.

Losan staggered and couldn't stand still, and was directly thrown to the ground by her.

His room is no different than Sang Jian's room, the floor is covered with soft and plush carpets, and his floor is a smooth floor.

The whole person fell down, and hit the back of his head with a bang, the pain made Rosean's usually expressionless face twitch.


(End of this chapter)

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