Chapter 965 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (42)

There was a large bruise at the corner of Luosi'an's mouth, and the clothes on his body were torn, which couldn't be removed with a wooden sword. It should be that Baker used magic.

Sang Jian ran over and took Luo Si'an's hand, "Why is he attacking so hard? I'll go find him..."

Didn't the teacher say something to the end?
The moment Sang Jian saw Luo Si'an was injured, more than half of his sanity was lost.

When Luo Si'an heard that she cared about him, she had already come to her senses. Seeing that she was going to talk to Ba Keer, Luo Si'an's eyes flickered slightly, and he raised his hand to grab her wrist.

"Princess, I'm in pain, go to the doctor first..."

Don't let her go in and find Bacol!

Seeing that he was there, Sang nodded, "That's fine, let's go see the injury first."

She dragged Roseanne to leave.

But at this moment, a group of noisy people came out of the swordsmanship school.

"Get out of the way quickly! Baker is dying! Get out of the way and don't delay the treatment!"

Sang Jian: "?"

I saw the swordsmanship teacher leading a group of students, carrying Bacol, who was swollen into a pig's head and unconscious, running anxiously to the doctor's residence.

Sang Jian: "..."

Los Ann: "..."

Tsk, it was still a little slow, and she saw it.

"Did you hit?"

Sang Jian looked up at Losan.

Losan pursed his lips and said nothing, and there was a bit of stubborn grievance in those dark eyes.

"I haven't attacked you yet, why do you have this expression?" Sang Jian shook off his hand, and said angrily with his hands on his hips.

"You love him, not me." Losan lowered his eyes and whispered, "Do you want to see him? Princess, go, I'm not seriously hurt."

"Then I'm going?" Sang Jian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"..." Losan lowered his head and said nothing.

Sang Jian squinted at him, and was about to walk away.

"Ugh... my leg hurts!"

The moment she was about to turn around, Luo Si'an seemed to be unable to stand still for a while, and she threw herself towards Sang Jian's back.

Sang Jian was caught off guard by him and almost lost her footing. It was Luo Si'an who hugged her tightly so that she wouldn't fall to the ground.

But he was still lying on his back, with his hands tightly around his neck.

He still said "understanding" on his mouth: "Princess, let me go, I'm fine, it's just that my leg might be broken by Baker's inexperienced magic."

Sang Jian: "..."

She didn't touch him at all, he was holding her all the time, okay?

How did he walk out of the school just now when his leg was broken?

Sang Jian felt a little suffocated, this kid's technique has improved a lot, he has reached the point of talking nonsense with his eyes open!
Do you think she is so young now that she is so foolish?
Yes, she is young, so she is good at "fooling".

Sang saw "letter".

"Then I'll take you to the hospital!" Sang Jian turned around and supported him, "Anyway, Bakel was sent by other classmates to help."

Poor Buckle, it's too bad,
"I don't want to go to the hospital, I want to go back and rest, can I?" Losan put an arm on Sang Jian's shoulder, and followed Sang Jian limping.

Pretending to be serious.

"Yes, I will ask someone to call the doctor home later."

Sang Jian pretended not to see Luo Si'an's little thoughts.

She still couldn't help reminding Losan worriedly, "Baker does seem to be hurt more than you, and this time it may reach the earl's uncle's ears."

His son suffered such a serious injury, if the Earl didn't know about it, then he would have failed as a father.

Sure enough, Losan was taken aback when he heard this.

He actually forgot the old earl!

  Thank you for your rewards and votes, eh~

  Happy New Years Eve to everyone a few minutes in advance! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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