Chapter 971 The Princess and the Reborn Knight (48)

Los Ann: "..."

He knew she was going to say that!
In the past, he always used this as an excuse to make himself serve her.

He never took it seriously, and always thought that she would give up this idea after a while, but after so many years, not only did she not give up, but she almost persuaded him.

Many times he always wanted to control her as the husband, but he couldn't.

"Princess, you still need to do this kind of thing yourself. If I'm not by your side one day, and you don't know how to do it, could it be that you want to find other boys to help you?"

Luosian knew that he would not be able to do it too hard, so he had to use a roundabout tactic.

"Why aren't you by my side?" Sang Jian wiped the tears off his face, "You want to leave me?"

"It's not that I want to leave you, I just say in case."

"If you're not by my side, it means you've left me." Sang saw her mouth flattened, and was about to cry again.

Losan frowned slightly, "But you have to learn to grow up, you will inherit the throne in the future, have you forgotten?"

"You don't want to be told by your own people that the new king is a giant baby who needs to be served by others when he eats, drinks, and sleeps, right?"

This may be a bit harsh, otherwise, she wouldn't listen to it.


This time the silence became Sang Jian.

She sat on the bed, hugged her knees with her hands, and buried her face in her legs. She didn't know what she was thinking, and she looked very depressed.

After an unknown amount of time, Sang Jian suddenly said in a muffled voice, "Actually, you haven't taken what I said seriously?"

"I said that you will be my husband in the future, don't you believe me? Or, do you think you won't like me at all, and always sneer at my words?"

Los Ann: "..."

"I see." Sang Jian's voice lowered a bit, "I'm sorry, I let you take care of me for so many years, and made you feel aggrieved for so long."

"...I didn't mean that." Losan opened his mouth to explain something.

I don't know why, listening to her words and her current attitude, I feel a sore feeling in my heart.

"I don't think it's aggrieved to serve you..." He turned his head and muttered in a low voice.

Maybe there was a period of time when I was a child, I felt that she was troublesome, why should I take care of her so carefully?

Over time, slowly he got used to it.

But... what they said was not the same thing at all!
He was just talking about her current situation, which she should solve by herself.

Why would she involve him in taking care of her?
Losan moved his lips and wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

He stared at Sang Jian on the bed with complicated emotions.

She still seems to be in a "sad" mood.

I don't know how long it took before suddenly there was a violent knock on the door, and a youthful voice unique to teenagers sounded anxiously outside, "Something happened to the princess!"

It's Buckle!

Luo Sian narrowed his eyes.

He raised his hand and covered Sang Jian with the quilt he was pulling.

After all, she was dressed so thinly.

Sang Jian finally raised his head, and the little face that had just been wiped clean was covered with tears again.

Losan pursed his lips, turned around and opened the door for Barker.

In the past few years, his relationship with Baker has basically been a state of turning a blind eye to each other.

Now Baker has something urgent to do, so he can't delay it.

It's just that I don't know what's urgent that can make him so anxious?

The door of the room had just been opened, and Barker was stunned for a moment when he saw that the person who opened the door was Losan, and then squeezed into the room, bringing a very unfortunate news.

"Princess, the king... was assassinated!"

(End of this chapter)

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