After 18 years of playing tricks, I entered the horror game

Chapter 106 Tsing Yi Wei: I really don't have an ID card!

Chapter 106 Tsing Yi Wei: I really don't have an ID card!
After Lin Chen took a look, he smiled and said:
"This guy said he was a ghost, and asked us if the contents of the bottle were blood or water, and we beat him up."

The two-star player was sweating profusely on the spot.

In fact, they didn't hear these movements until after the Tsing Yi ghost was kicked out by Lin Chen.

When I was in the bed room before, all the internal sounds were blocked by Lin Chen with mental power. Even the Samsung player didn't notice anything abnormal.

"Brother, is this really a ghost? Aren't you afraid?"

The two-star players were a little confused.

He could feel that the three people in front of him were ordinary people without any ghost power.

But these three ordinary people are so fierce that they dare to beat a ghost, how fierce it must be.

Lin Chen curled his lips, and said disdainfully: "What kind of ghost is it? I suspect that it is a magician who can do tricks. He played a trick on us, trying to blackmail or steal."

You guys don't believe that he is a ghost at all.

The two-star player was speechless, and then winked at Tsing Yi Ghost, signaling him to leave quickly, and ignore the three stunned greens.

The Tsing Yi ghost understood, and he didn't want to face these three mindless bastards anymore.

He really had a bad luck tonight!
Apart from anything else, it turned into a puff of green smoke, slipped out of the encirclement, and when it reappeared, it had already reached the end of the carriage.

The two-star player showed "shock" and said: "This doesn't seem like a trick, is this man in Tsing Yi really a ghost?"

At this moment, he still wanted to make Lin Chen and the others feel scared.

However, when Lin Chen heard the words, he sneered and said:
"He can only fool you, a little commoner. What's the point of blinding your eyes?"

After all, he chased after him, holding a cute cartoon slipper he picked up from under the bed in his hand, shouting while chasing:
"Stop! Don't run, run again!"

Dong Potian and Niu Ritian were about to follow, but were stopped by a two-star player. He asked in surprise:

"Fuck, are you really not afraid? Now that they're all gone, why are you still chasing him? What if it's really a ghost?"

Dong Potian rolled his eyes and immediately replied:

"My elder brother suspects that the other party stole our things. It is impossible to let him go like this. Don't stop us. If we don't beat this kid to pieces today, we won't be the fourth dad in Linjiang City!"

After all, he broke free from the block of the two-star player, and chased after him with Niu Ritian.

The two-star players were stunned. They glanced back at the interior of the sleeper room. After getting a response, they gritted their teeth and rushed over.

He shouted from behind: "Aren't you three? How did you become the Four Hegemons of Linjiang City?"

Dong Potian said without turning his head: "Your last father is sleeping."

The two-star player's face turned black, and he suspected that the other party was scolding him, but he had no evidence...

The green-clothed ghost who was running in the front turned his head and looked at Lin Chen with a grinning face. He was so frightened that he was about to fly out of his wits, and began to flee wildly.

Holding up the cartoon slippers, Lin Chen chased after him all the way.

Followed by Dong Potian and Niu Ritian.

After that was the two-star player taught in black.

They are directly inside the train, forming a small "train" with a head and a tail.

Along the way, they crossed one car after another.

All the passengers were stunned. They saw this scene after waking up from their sleep, and their brains couldn't accept it for a while.

Including the flight attendants on duty, and the evil spirits who frighten people in other carriages to collect the power of fear, they were also confused by the battle between Lin Chen and the other ghosts.

As soon as the flight attendant reacted, he had to stop it immediately.

But she found that Lin Chen and the others were going too fast, they passed her directly and ran to other carriages.

The cartoon slippers in Lin Chen's hand aimed at the back of the Tsing Yi ghost's head. Hearing a "pop", the ghost lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Lin Chen rushed forward and kicked again.

"How dare you run, say! Did you steal something from us?"

The ghost in green wailed, "Brother! Be merciful, I'm a good ghost! I don't steal anything!"

But Lin Chen didn't care, and Dong Potian and Niu Ritian also surrounded him.

It wasn't until the two-star player rushed into the field that Lin Chen could barely be pulled away.

"Brother, if you have something to say, why are you beating...why beating someone?"

Lin Chen snorted angrily and turned his head away.

At this time, the flight attendant who had stopped him before came over to the two police officers and asked.

Lin Chen pointed to the Tsing Yi ghost, gave a general description of what happened before, and said, "This kid pretends to be a ghost to scare people. I suspect he is just a thief who can juggle. After I caught him, he has been running."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the two-star player and said, "There is also this person, who seems to be protecting the kid in Tsing Yi all the time, he should be in the same group."

The two-star player is so angry. I came out because I was afraid that you would make a big fuss. I was worried that this ghost would become violent and kill you.

But you wronged a good man here!No conscience at all!
The flight attendant was a young woman. She frowned and said, "You all have to follow me. No wonder some passengers in the carriage reported that the carriage was haunted. It turns out that you actually formed a group to commit crimes."

Lin Chen nodded and said, "That's probably the case. I don't know the guy in the green suit, but the other one came out of the No. 10 sleeper room in Car No. 17. I suggest arresting them all for investigation."

The flight attendant nodded, looked at the two-star player and Tsing Yi Ghost and said, "Please show your valid ID card."

The two-star player looked ugly and hesitated for a long time, and finally took out an ID card and handed it to the flight attendant.

The Tsing Yi Ghost was stunned.

He is a ghost, how could he have an ID card on him, and this is the first time he has met a human being who asked him for an ID card!
Seeing that the Tsing Yi ghost "doesn't cooperate", the two police officers looked at each other, set up the Tsing Yi ghost and walked to the No. 10 carriage that Lin Chen mentioned.

People who saw this scene on the road all showed expressions of astonishment.

And several ghosts who were also trying to gather the power of fear were all stunned. This scene completely collapsed their three views.

The ghost was caught!

The green-clothed ghost who was held back realized that he was anxious on the spot, and was about to use his ghost power immediately. However, at this moment, he suddenly discovered that his ghost power had frozen and could no longer be used.

At this moment, he is exactly the same as an ordinary person.

"what's the situation?"

He screamed.

However, the marshal said: "What's your name? Be honest!"

He is already very polite. In fact, there is a rest period for night shifts, but that is before no one makes trouble.

And this night, they frequently received reports from passengers.

Some people said that the faucet in the bathroom suddenly leaked blood.

It was also said that there was a hand stretched out from under the bed.

Including looking out the window at scary grimaces.

This made the marshals panic.

In the end, after a long time, it turned out to be a group of magicians. This made them angry for a while, and their attitude was naturally worse.

Even the prettier female flight attendant had a cold face.

Soon, the group arrived at No. 10 sleeper room in No. 17 carriage.

A group of members in black had sensed the arrival of everyone early on, but they didn't react until the moment everyone came in.

The beautiful flight attendant looked at the five black-clothed members inside, then at the two-star player who was also wearing black, and said solemnly: "Hello, I am the flight attendant of this train, please show your valid ID. "

The five black-clothed members looked at each other, and after a while, they took out their ID cards and handed them to the flight attendants.

After picking it up, the flight attendant looked it over and said, "Please come with me, there are some things I want to know with you."

At this time, the policemen have already secretly asked for support in the train police group.

The characteristics of the members in black are too obvious, they all wear the same uniform at the same time, and they don't sleep at night, they don't look like good people!

The leading Samsung player asked: "Is there anything we can't ask here? We still have to rest."

The beautiful flight attendant shook her head and said, "Sorry, it's not convenient here, please come with us."

The Samsung player frowned, finally sighed, and followed the female steward to leave the carriage.

Their certificates are all real, and they have serious identities in the human world, so they are not afraid of being checked at all.

After Lin Chen and the others saw this, they returned to their own compartments.

The second daughter, Li Shanshan, stayed up all the time. When she saw Lin Chen came back, she hurriedly asked.

Niu Ritian was full of excitement, and explained with a smile.

And Lin Chen also raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and lay back on the bed again.

Shortly after the members in black were taken away, the flight attendants reminded them one by one.

Tonight's haunting incident was caused by a gang of magicians and thieves, signaling to everyone not to be overly nervous and avoid causing panic.

And I specifically emphasized that the news about players and ghosts spread on the Internet, those so-called ghosts only exist in different worlds, and there are basically no ghosts in the human world.

This is where lawbreakers take advantage of the problem and so on.

After Lin Chen and Dong Potian heard it, they all covered the quilt and laughed wildly.

Not long after, several members in black came back from outside, including the two-star player who went out first.

A group of six people all got into No. 17 sleeper room.

Several people looked at each other, feeling helpless, and finally, the leading man sighed, and said: "It's over, after this trouble, let the ghost slaves collect the power of fear, it will be greatly reduced, and it will easily arouse the vigilance of the police. , it would be bad to attract the blue clothes."

One person sighed: "But the Holy Grail has only absorbed one-tenth of the power of fear, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to do business when we go back."

Several people were silent, and finally they all looked at the sleeper room where Lin Chen was next door and gritted their teeth.

A good mission was messed up by a few stunned youths.

If I had known earlier, I would have let the ghost slave jump over this sleeper room.

Until now, that poor green-clothed ghost is still detained by the marshals!
At this time, in the police room, two police officers were facing the ghost in green and said helplessly, "Do you want to hand in your ID card?"

"Why are you unwilling to cooperate and hand over your ID card for so long? It has already reached this point, do you still have a chance?"

The ghost in Tsing Yi wants to cry but has no tears. Even though the ghost power in his body has returned to normal, it is completely meaningless to leave now.

He mourned, "Brother, I really don't have an ID card!"

(End of this chapter)

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