Chapter 113
Dozens of white light beams connected to the void, tightly imprisoned the nurse ghost in place.

The nurse's face was full of disbelief, and he couldn't figure out why this human being could still show such amazing power under the suppression of the rules of this horror game!

But being blessed by the dungeon, he should be very powerful, but he can only watch in horror as the little blue pill is approaching him a little bit.

At this time, Lin Chen, who seemed to be looking normal, had a slight flicker in his eyes.

Just when he was about to explode his ghost power to subdue the nurse ghost, he found that his ghost power seemed to be frozen and could not be mobilized at all.

In this situation, even Lin Chen couldn't help being surprised.

I didn't expect the limit of this dungeon to be so big!
But fortunately, he not only has ghost power, but also internal power, including physical strength, which is not comparable to this weird nurse ghost.

After reacting, he still restrained the ghost of the nurse in threes and fives.

And turned against the customer, took the pill and pinched out the mouth of the nurse ghost, and sent it little by little.

At this scene, the young ghost who had been silent all this time was dumbfounded. He could no longer maintain his calm state, his eyes were fixed on the ground, showing a look of disbelief.

"You can't do this to me!"

The nurse ghost struggled and screamed.

Lin Chen said without hesitation: "Actually, you may already have a serious mental problem. This is a disease that needs to be cured!"

Lin Chen returned what the nurse ghost had said before.

The nurse ghost's pupils shrank, terrified, and then desperately wanted to struggle.

But at this time, he is already a fish on the ground, at the mercy of others, without the power to resist.

Lin Chen smiled, then squeezed his mouth open, and poured all the small blue pills into it.

There was a stabbing sound from the nurse ghost's body, and as soon as the medicine was taken in, a large amount of ghost power on his body was instantly wiped out.

Those ghost powers came out of the body directly, and finally turned into black air and dissipated in the air.

"Can it really consume other people's ghost power? The effect of this medicine is quite good."

Lin Chen whispered, and then looked at the other medicine bottles on the trolley. There are still a lot of medicines there...

He grinned wide, picked up the bottles and cans, and frantically poured them into the mouth of the nurse.

And after each drug was injected, a large cloud of black air was evaporated from the nurse ghost's body.

A large amount of black smoke appeared. Even though the black smoke dissipated quickly, Ward 302 was soon shrouded in thicker black smoke.

Lin Chen administered so much medicine to the nurse ghost that the room was pitch black.

If ordinary people come in, they may not even see the road.

too dark!
The last black smoke had even drifted out along the crack of the door.

On the third floor, when some of the faster nurses walked out of the ward, they happened to see this scene and couldn't help opening their mouths slightly.

They all seemed a little surprised.

The nurse in ward 302, how much medicine did he take!
Is this to expel all the ghost power of that human player?
So frustrating!


In Ward 302, Lin Chen had already stopped.

It wasn't that there wasn't enough medicine, but that the ghost power of the nurse ghost had almost dissipated.

The black smoke that filled the entire ward quickly dissipated after there was no source, and the entire room was bright again.

And the fluctuation of the ghost power on the nurse ghost seemed to be extremely weak at this moment.

His clothes changed from a white uniform to a blue uniform...

With only half a load of medicine, it was really shocking that a fierce god fell back to the Tsing Yi stage!
At this time, the nurse ghost was lying upright on the ground.

The stun effect contained in the small blue pill expired quickly. At this time, the nurse ghost was already awake, with his eyes wide open, staring blankly at the ceiling above his head.

There was no light in his eyes.

On bed No. 2, the young ghost patient who had remained calm all this time was completely dumbfounded, and was staring at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

On bed No. 1, the old uncle ghost who had already woken up was also stunned when he saw that Lin Chen had fed the nurse ghost the medicine in reverse.

At this moment, they all subconsciously forgot to maintain the stupid appearance before.

Lin Chen, who was facing the nurse ghost, suddenly turned around and smiled evilly:

"Very well, you two acted alike before."

The bodies of the two ghosts trembled in unison, and quickly returned to their usual appearance.

The old ghost clapped his hands and smirked, "It's fun! It's fun!"

But the young ghost's eyes were lost, as if petrified.

"You still dare to pretend, it seems that I won't be able to do it if I don't give you some medicine!"

Lin Chen took out the remaining medicine and went straight to the second ghost.

The movements of the two ghosts remained unchanged, but Lin Chen could clearly see a thin layer of sweat oozing from their foreheads.

"Which one of you will eat first?"

Lin Chen asked.

The two ghosts immediately jumped up, pointed at each other and said:

Lin Chen smiled, sat on the edge of the bed, and said, "Give me a reasonable explanation."

The old man ghost thought for a while, then sighed suddenly, and said: "Here, you must maintain the behavior that conforms to the mentally handicapped, otherwise you will be forcibly fed medicine. This is everything I keep in my memory."

The young ghost also nodded and said: "You heard what the nurse said just now. In other wards at this time, maybe all the new patients have been given blue pills. It's just that they behaved too "normally." "Okay, we don't want to take this medicine, we can only cooperate."

"In fact, no matter how you behave, you will still be force-fed blue pills every two days. There may be quite a few ghost players in our group, and they are really crazy. The goal of this dungeon is to Drive us all crazy!"

A native ghost, a ghost player.

Lin Chen basically confirmed the identities of the two, but he still said to the old man:

"You do look like a native ghost. Is this something that happened to you during your lifetime?"

There was a trace of confusion in the old ghost's eyes and he said: "I don't understand what you mean, I have very little memory, what I said and what I did before are all instinctive."

The young ghost said helplessly: "This old man is indeed a native ghost. He was in this ward when I came in, and I am indeed a ghost player. I came in three days earlier than you, but I don't know much about it. My task is Get out."

The second ghost had seen Lin Chen's tricks before, and was even more afraid of the blue pill in Lin Chen's hand, so he answered honestly.

[Task to find ten ghost players, now complete to 1/10]

Hearing the system prompt, Lin Chen temporarily believed what the young ghost said.

The young ghost said again: "Although you are very strong, you will be in trouble next time. The nursing ghost took so much medicine, not only the ghost power was dissipated by the medicine, but also mental problems. If he can't go back, he will die." Attract more nurse ghosts, including the extremely powerful chief ghost."

Lin Chen was taken aback, and looked at the nurse ghost.

And the nurse ghost just sat up, and he glanced around, looking dull.

Looking a little confused.

"Where is this?"

he asked with some doubts.

After Lin Chen and the young ghost exchanged glances, they said to the nurse ghost:
"This is Mental Hospital No. [-]."

The nurse ghost drooled from the corner of his mouth, and said with a smirk, "Impossible, why did I come here, I'm not sick."

This is more than a problem, isn't this directly becoming a serious psychopath?
In other words, this nurse ghost is completely stupid at this time!
Lin Chen was surprised. He didn't expect this medicine to be so miraculous. It can not only eliminate the ghost power of others, but also turn a fierce spirit into a fool.

Lin Chen thought for a while, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said ghostly to the nurse: "You are a patient here, and you live in bed No. [-]."

The nurse ghost's expression became more and more silly. After hearing the words, he jumped directly onto the bed where Lin Chen was before, jumping up and down and saying:
"So big! So soft! I like it so much..."

Lin Chen was very satisfied. At this time, he already had a new plan in his heart.

In the end, he looked at the other two ghosts who didn't know why, and suddenly said: "My goal is to find a very special child. If you can provide clues, I will help you leave this instance."

The young ghost was stunned: "Child, what child?"

"He is a very special child. If you find anything, tell me at any time, and I will directly help you avoid the trouble of being forced to take medicine."

The young ghost was shocked: "How is that possible? Even if you can defeat the nurse ghost, as long as the nurse ghost goes back, it will still be exposed. At that time, the more powerful director ghost will come..."

At this moment, the old ghost suddenly hugged his head and growled, "My child...that child..."

Startled, Lin Chen hurriedly looked at the old ghost and asked, "Where is that child?"

The old ghost's state is very wrong, his expression is too complicated, it seems that there is guilt, love, and finally fear!
The young ghost said in surprise: "You stimulated him, he probably thought of the things in his life!"

Lin Chen, on the other hand, poured his mental power into the old man ghost's body to appease him.

The clue of the "child" was in sight, and Lin Chen was already very excited.

But soon, the old man recovered, but his face showed a smirk again, clapping his hands and saying:

"Fun, really fun!"

Lin Chen was taken aback, but at this moment the young ghost sighed and said, "He's crazy again, I'm pretending to be crazy, but he's really crazy, but he just wakes up once or twice once in a while."

Lin Chen became anxious, and continued to question without giving up, but the old man ghost had completely fallen into a state of stupidity, and could not communicate at all.

Seeing this, Lin Chen's eyes flashed, and he used the method of soul searching on the spot to forcibly search for the memory of this vicious god.

But in the end, nothing came of it.

The old man ghost's mind was really blank!
And when encountering the old ghost with Lin Chen's soul-searching technique, his spirit collapsed on the spot and he lay upright on the bed.

The news of the "child" disappeared, Lin Chen frowned, and finally said:
"You help me take good care of him. When he wakes up, as long as he is in a normal state, ask me about the child. As long as there are definite clues, I promise to let you escape smoothly."

The young ghost looked at Lin Chen, took a deep breath and said, "Although you are very powerful, I still want to ask, why should I trust you?"

That's right, just like Lin Chen doesn't believe in phantoms.

The young ghost doesn't even believe in Lin Chen, a human being!
Lin Chen smiled, but he didn't explain. He walked up to the nurse ghost, took out two talismans, and stuck them on the nurse ghost.

Driven by the power of the ghost, the nurse ghost slowly changed into Lin Chen's appearance.

These two talismans are exactly that, the breath-holding talisman and the disguise talisman!
And Lin Chen, under the shocked expression of the young ghost, transformed into the previous appearance of the nurse ghost, and there was no human breath on his body, he looked like a completely vicious ghost!

(End of this chapter)

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