Chapter 122 Five Elements Monster
Seeing Lin Chen's ferocious face, the green-scaled monster who was also angry was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at each other.

Could it be that among the people just killed, there are relatives and friends of this kid?
Why is it that he doesn't look like a good person with such a big hostility!

At the same time, the other seven monsters also came down the stairs one after another. They stood apart and surrounded Lin Chen in the middle.

The nine-headed green-scaled monsters looked ferociously, looking at Lin Chen bloodthirstyly. At this moment, the ghost power in their bodies exploded and blessed the body.

Unreservedly, a powerful aura swept across the audience. Standing naked without moving, it caused a strong air current and dispersed in all directions.

But Lin Chen didn't care, snorted coldly, and his body breath shook, directly crushing the air currents caused by many green-scaled monsters.

At this moment, his surface didn't seem to have changed in any way, but the power in his body was already like a boiling volcano, ready to go!

In addition, Lei Fa was directly stimulated by it, and countless electric arcs appeared in the body, making all the cells in his body full of activity.

Nine monsters rushed forward together, their sharp claws and giant tails attacked Lin Chen from various angles, and the attacks were intensive, like a violent storm.

Facing these attacks, Lin Chen's expression remained calm. All of a sudden, he heard a thunderous explosion.

Lin Chen's figure disappeared in place, and the speed exploded so fast that even a monster with the same powerful body couldn't see Lin Chen's movement clearly.

Lin Chen dodged directly in front of one of the monsters, and punched it out.

The berserk power, carrying a white arc, directly hit the monster's face, and there was a bang, and green blood and cyan scales splashed out from the monster's face, while its body was Fly out along the corridor.

On the third floor, the people who had been paying attention to the outside happened to see the figure of the monster flying upside down through the glass on the door.

Although it was just a glimpse, they all saw at a glance that this huge figure was exactly the so-called monster covered with green scales!

Suddenly, this surprised everyone.

"It's really fighting, and some monsters were knocked into the air. The battle is on the third floor!"

"No way! Those monsters eliminated eleven players in an instant, and they were knocked into the air. Can you see who is fighting the monsters?"

"I can't see it. Their battle is at the entrance of the corridor. If you leave the ward, you can't see it at all."


The other monsters don't seem to care about the life and death of the same kind. In fact, they all have the blessing of dungeons, and their regeneration ability is extraordinary. No matter how serious the injury is, they can recover in a short time.

Two more monsters appeared behind Lin Chen, and grabbed Lin Chen's back with one claw. They wanted to pierce this human's heart with one blow!

However, Lin Chen didn't turn his head back. He just stretched out his hands, held the two following giant claws firmly in reverse, and exerted force with his hands, directly throwing the two monsters over his shoulders in front of him. together.

At the same time, he stepped on the necks of the two.

When pushing vigorously, endless thunder light came out from under the feet, and there was only a crackling sound. The bodies of these monsters became scorched black after their bodies and heads were separated.

The scales attached to his body turned slightly outward, his body trembled, and he lost his ability to move.

The rest of the monsters were a little surprised.

How long has it been? Although they are not afraid of death and have the blessing of dungeons, the human being in front of them is indeed a bit too scary.

Under the physical collision, the opponent actually had the upper hand. This was the first time they had encountered such a situation except when they were fighting with their own masters.

What makes them even more incredible is that the other party can still release their abilities under the physical collision.

Could it be that the ghost power of this human being is difficult to be imprisoned?
In fact, when Lin Chen was fighting these monsters, he didn't retain any power in his body, so after a full blown out, these monsters must appear very fragile.

When the physical body touched, he really felt that his ghost power became obscure and difficult to mobilize. Even he, the supreme fierce god, at this stage of entering the fierce god state, could not resist the confinement power at all.

Lin Chen believes that it probably comes from the power of the horror game, it doesn't belong to monsters or nurses at all, but belongs to this hospital instance!

But his Yang Lei itself is using internal force, and he doesn't care about the opponent's ghost power restraint at all. Even if these monsters bless themselves with ghost power, it is difficult for them to compete with the current Lin Chen.

After fighting for a while, Lin Chen already felt the physical strength of these monsters.

His physique is at most in the early 4000s.

And his current physique has a value of more than 5800, so there is not much comparison at all.

The monsters were just a little dazed, and then attacked again. This time, they didn't attack physically, but the six monsters actually changed their bodies.

No longer the uniform appearance of green scales, the scales on their body surface began to transform into other colors.

Golden scales, green scales, black scales, red phosphorus, brown scales.

As for the sixth monster, it retreated with a strange expression.

The five monsters that had changed their forms let out a roar.

Among them, the scales on the surface of the brown-scaled monster flashed. Immediately afterwards, the whole hospital shook, and a huge crack suddenly appeared on the third floor.

Lin Chen's feet were empty, and the figure immediately fell from the third floor, and finally stood on the ground of the first floor.

He raised his head, and saw the figures of five monsters in the crack, climbing and jumping continuously, while the other green-scaled monster, which had not changed its shape, was grabbed and knocked down by Lin Chen, and hadn't recovered yet. The monsters gnawed up...

The five monsters landed with a bang. This time, instead of surrounding Lin Chen, they chose to stand together, and there was a faint distance between them.

"The physical body seems to have weakened, have you switched to skills?"

When Lin Chen saw their movements, he already felt the changes in these monsters.

At this moment, among the five monsters, the black-scaled monster opened its mouth with a flash of light, and a huge water jet shot out from its mouth.

"I hate water the most!"

As soon as Lin Chen saw the water, he thought of the water ghost. He made trouble for him many times, damaged his teaching building, and blocked his breakthrough. warming stage.

It can be said that the water ghost is the existence that Lin Chen hates the most.

The water column rushed forward with a powerful impact.

"Partial doubling!"

Facing this attack, Lin Chen once again used his physical strength to resist.

There was a sound of "bang!", and countless water splashes scattered all over the sky, while Lin Chen's body was injured for the first time and flew out backwards.

The power of the skills used by the peak-level legendary fierce god is indeed extraordinary!
Lin Chen's body slid backwards, and his feet stepped on the ground hard, until he plowed the ground into a long ravine before his figure stopped steadily.

Suddenly, an extremely fierce aura came from the soles of his feet, and Lin Chen dodged backwards without saying a word.

Several huge soil thorns appeared directly from the ground, pierced towards the position where it stood just now, and pierced straight into the roof.

Lin Chen looked forward and saw that it was that kind of brown-scaled monster, whose body surface was glowing.

Looking at the colors of the five monsters' bodies, including the abilities used by each other, Lin Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

"Is it gold, wood, water, fire, and earth?"

"The physical body becomes weaker, but they can release ghost skills. Is this the meaning of their transformation?"

At the same time, Lin Chen also felt that when he collided with the opponent's skills, his own ghost power was finally no longer affected.

This seems to be a price paid by the other party for gaining power.

As if to confirm Lin Chen's guess, the five monsters released their abilities again.

All kinds of flowers and plants grew on the ground, and the pungent breath came from the flowers and plants. This ability was similar to that of the Flower God back then, but the power was very different.

Facing Huashen's ability, Lin Chen's body was not affected in the slightest.

But at this moment, he who inhaled the fragrance of the flowers was in a trance for a moment, and there was a trace of bewilderment in his eyes.

Seeing the change in Lin Chen's eyes, those monsters showed a sneer on their faces, their bodies glowed brightly, and they released their skills again.

Dozens of soil thorns appeared quickly, and this time the soil thorns even exuded a metallic luster, which was produced by the golden scale monster attached to the soil thorns.

At the critical moment, Lin Chen finally recovered, and quickly dodged to avoid the attack of these earth thorns.

However, the number of soil thorns that appeared this time was too many, blocking all of Lin Chen's escape routes, including the appearance of a mass of fire, which blocked his sight.

He snorted coldly, opened his mental power, and at the same time, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already behind the five monsters.

This time, he directly used teleportation, and while dodging the attack, he created an excellent opportunity.

Thunder exploded!

Lin Chen didn't hold back anymore. Dozens of huge thunder dragons appeared in the hall on the first floor, and directly bombarded the five monsters.

The five monsters didn't even know what happened, and they were instantly blown into pieces by this fierce lightning.

Calm was restored in the hall.

The five monsters were all smashed to pieces. However, at this moment, the pieces of meat trembled on the ground, and they seemed to be fused with each other.

Seeing this, Lin Chen took out the pink sack directly, and with a surge of ghost power, a suction force came, and all the pieces of meat were sucked into the sack.

The power of the rules was cut off, and the five monsters suffered severe injuries. Like the first monster that was put into the pink sack, it immediately turned into various energies and wandered in the pink sack.

After doing all this, Lin Chen didn't go up, but stood there and waited.

Because in his mental perception, the three monsters upstairs, after being swallowed by another monster, have merged into a new individual.

And it was exuding terrifying power, walking towards Lin Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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