Chapter 128 Stop!No, shut up!

Seeing that "Lin Chen" did not respond, Yun Bai felt anxious.

Doesn't she like this?Or am I not showing enough.

Yun Bai leaned forward, deliberately puffed out his proud chest, and said shakingly: "Brother, I have to take medicine again tonight, do you have any clues about the password, and did you go out to fight the monster last night?" you?"

The nurse ghost glanced at Yun Bai's pretty face, and nodded solemnly: "It's me."

In fact, the nurse ghost didn't know what Yun Bai was talking about at all, and was replying completely according to the other party's intention.

Monka couldn't help but rubbed his forehead.

It’s over.

The misunderstanding has deepened!
Sure enough, Yun Bai's eyes lit up, a strange brilliance bloomed on his face, and he said excitedly: "As expected, I saw you right, brother, you are so powerful!"

"Amazing! Awesome! I'm the best!" the nurse ghost shouted excitedly, patting his feet repeatedly.

Yun Bai hastily put his hand to his mouth, motioning for the guard ghost to silence, and said: "Be quiet, don't let people outside notice."

At this time, Yun Bai also had a trace of suspicion in his heart.

After all, this "brother" pretended to be too much like him. During this kind of rest time, he still kept standing on his head.

His tone of voice, expression, and behavior are all exactly the same as mental illness.

But based on her judgment of "brother", she suppressed her doubts.

After all, the two times and three times, because of the "brother"'s advice, she escaped the medicine, coupled with the phantom's admiration for this person, all made her firmly believe that her judgment would not be wrong.

Seeing "Lin Chen" calm down, she said with satisfaction, "I still need to take medicine tonight, do you have any clues to escape?"

Having said that, she stopped and looked back at Mengka and Old Man Ghost.

Although she felt that the ghosts here, no matter whether they were native ghosts or ghost players, would not hinder her, but thinking about the clues about leaving the dungeon and the disappearance of such secrets, she decided to avoid it.

And she came out today with a purpose.

Since adding "Lin Chen" as a friend last night, but she didn't receive a response, she knew that she didn't get along well enough!

Today she planned to give Lin Chen a little more sweetness.

"Brother, can you go out with me? There are a lot of people here, and some things... are inconvenient." Yun Bai leaned close to the ear of the nurse ghost, parted his red lips lightly, and his bone-piercing voice pierced his ears, bringing a very pleasant feeling. Big temptation.

A trace of confidence appeared on Yun Bai's face, she knew that normal men would generally not be able to stand this kind of temptation.

However, what she faced today was neither human nor normal.

It's a ghost whose spiritual consciousness has been completely shuffled!

A serious psychopath.

The nurse ghost kept giggling, without any reply. In his eyes, Yun Bai's words might not be more attractive than a cake toy.

Yun Bai's expression froze.

Does he have to ask me to take the initiative to pull him out?

In the end, she gritted her teeth and took the initiative to pull the nurse ghost's arm.

The nurse ghost moved this time, and jumped off the bed without any resistance, still maintaining the upside-down posture.

Seeing this, Yun Bai showed a gleam of joy again, pulled the nurse ghost's thigh, and ran outside.

It wasn't until the figures of the two disappeared from the ward that Mengka sat up and looked out the door in shock.


Something is going to happen!

No matter how stupid this woman is, in such a situation alone, the false identity of the nurse ghost can be easily exposed!
At that time, the involvement will be big!
After all, the real Lin Chen was acting outside as a nurse ghost, and if he really wanted to be exposed, he would attract the attention of the dungeon boss director ghost.

At that time, don't talk about escaping from the copy.

Maybe Lin Chen and him will be crushed collectively!

"I can't go on like this!"

The young ghost pulled the old ghost to his feet and was about to run outside.

"Young man, what are you doing with me? I haven't finished reading the newspaper yet." The old man ghost followed Mengka, trotting, panting.

Monka said: "Go out and play!"

The old man ghost immediately said very happily: "Want to play? That's great! You are such a nice person!"

The old man ghost was pulled because Mengka didn't want to come out alone and attract the attention of others.

One of the tasks of the ghost player is not to be aware of his identity by more than five human players.

Therefore, even during the rest time, the ghost players would only leave the dormitory when they mixed with the native ghosts, so as not to be discovered by humans.

The second ghost crossed the corridor on the third floor, and when he passed the toilet, Mengka looked in subconsciously, his feet suddenly became unsteady, and he almost fell down on the spot.

I saw Yun Bai was squatting on the ground, holding the ghost's head and gnawing on it from there.

"If it's later, the children will come out!"

Mengka is in a hurry, if this kind of thing happens, there is no guarantee that the real Lin Chen will not take his anger out on him.

He quickened his pace and walked straight downstairs.

Monka knew that at this time, most of the nurses were resting on the second floor.

Although he couldn't tell whether Lin Chen was among them, he could only go to the second floor to try his luck.

As soon as he went down to the second floor, Mengka saw that there were many human players and ghosts wandering around on the second floor.

The first floor of the hospital is the hall, and the third, fourth and fifth floors are the patient wards.

Therefore, the second floor is used as the dormitory for the nurses, and the sixth floor is used as the office, which is almost the most frequently explored place by human players.

Monka was not surprised to see so many people gathered here.

What made him anxious was that there was no sign of Lin Chen here at all.

The dormitories of all the nurses are closed at this time, and Mengka doesn't know which dormitory Lin Chen lives in.

With a calm face on his face, he dragged the old ghost towards the crowd.

Seeing Mengka and the old man ghost, the human players didn't move too much. Except for Mengka and the others on the second floor, there were not many other ghosts.

Even if you want to distinguish the ghost players among them, it is impossible to make a judgment based on this.

After crossing one dormitory after another and investigating in a circle, Mengka found almost nothing.

Even through the glass door of the dormitory, Mengka still didn't see the existence of the person living inside, which one was Lin Chen.

For fear of being exposed, he was not fast.

It's just that in terms of time, more than ten minutes have passed.

Still did not find Lin Chen, which made Mengka extremely anxious.

Right now, he can only expose himself to stop that woman.

There was firmness in his eyes, he took a deep breath, pulled the old ghost back and walked towards the third floor.

His thin back looks a bit heroic!There is a tendency to never return.

At this moment, a faint voice came from behind: "What are you all doing here? It's so noisy, disturb me to rest, you know?"

The others showed fear, but Mengka was delighted.

This is Lin Chen's voice!

He hurriedly turned his head, and sure enough, at the door of a dormitory, Lin Chen was wearing pajamas, looking at everyone impatiently.

"Sorry, let's go now."

"Sorry to bother you."

The crowd was bustling with people. Facing the nurses, especially the ghost nurses, these human players did not resist at all, and even a few of them directly apologized respectfully.

Very humble.

Lin Chen ignored those who spoke, and said, "It seems that your mental state is in trouble again. I have to tell Director Gui to increase the dose of medicine for you."

The faces of those human players turned green, and they quickly lowered their heads, not daring to speak anymore.

The other players blinked their eyes.

From Lin Chen's words, they all heard a signal.

Whether or not to use drugs is necessarily related to their usual behavior.

After they figured it out, everyone's expressions immediately changed drastically. They looked so stupid, and some even turned their heads and left the second floor...

Soon, almost all the human players dispersed, leaving only some patient ghosts.

Lin Chen winked at Mengka, and walked out directly.

After Mengka understood, he and Old Man Gui followed behind Lin Chen.

The patient ghost behind him, and some ghost players pretending to be crazy, couldn't help but look surprised when they saw this.

In fact, Lin Chen walked out of the dormitory precisely because he accidentally saw Mengka and the old ghost.

Lin Chen, who had just put away the Holy Grail's power of fear and placed the empty Holy Grail on the table again, just happened to see through the glass that Mengka, with a vaguely anxious face on his face, led the old man ghost past.

He immediately walked out the door.

In the corridor, seeing that there were no people or ghosts around, Lin Chen directly asked, "What happened?"

After looking around, Mengka leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Something went wrong, that woman from Ward 307 is here again."

Lin Chen was taken aback, and then said, "Then why don't you watch her in the dormitory?"

Mengka said embarrassingly: "I can't see it, that woman has already pulled the worker ghost out. When I came out to find you, that woman was kissing the worker ghost from the toilet!"


Lin Chen froze, he didn't expect that what he said as a joke turned out to be a prophecy.

This time I really have to owe meat debts!

"Take me there!" Lin Chen hurriedly said.

Mengka ran upstairs with Lin Chen without saying a word.

When he came to the bathroom on the third floor, Lin Chen went straight in. As soon as he entered, Lin Chen was almost stunned, and quickly shouted: "Stop! No, shut up!"

At this time, Yun Bai, who was ready to go all out, was taken aback and froze on the spot.

With black lines all over his forehead, Lin Chen rushed to the nurse ghost and pulled his pants back.

Looking at Yun Bai with a dazed look on his face, Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "You two are in a very bad state of mind, increase the dose tonight!"

When Yun Bai heard this, he became anxious on the spot, and quickly said: "Don't blame my brother, it's all my fault, don't target him."

Yun Bai was really worried that his "brother" who increased the drug would take the blame on her because of him, and his face turned pale with fright.

From the contact just now, she discovered that this "brother" doesn't seem to be very interested in female sex.

Even though she was very proactive, after a long time, there was no progress.

The interest in her is not as great as she imagined. If she is punished because of her at this time, she will probably lose this big fish.

Of course, everything she showed was of course pretending.

Every expression, not a single word, is all to impress the iron tree heart of this "brother".

Even my brother called me! ?

Lin Chen was dumbfounded, what happened?
Did this woman take too much of the little blue pill?
He really couldn't understand how a normal person could develop to this point with a psychopath!

In the end, he sternly warned: "You two are doing nasty things in the bathroom, which is disrupting the order of the hospital. Tonight, the dose must be increased!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen dragged the nurse ghost and ran outside.

(End of this chapter)

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