Chapter 137 Boss: Don't!
In the darkness, Xiao Yu slowly opened his eyes.

There was a trace of solemnity on his face, whether it was Lin Chen's lightning skills or his physical strength, it was beyond his expectation again.

But after thinking that his position was still hidden, he relaxed a little.

He sat cross-legged, and a thick and visible ghost power began to emanate from his body.

If someone is present, it can be seen that the quality of this ghost power is already regarded as the top existence among the legendary fierce gods.

It is far superior to the legendary fierce gods like the fire ghost Dong Xiaorou and the director ghost.

Ghost power permeated the empty dark room, enveloping the fifteen scale monsters in front of him.

In the darkness, only the meat ball was still emitting a faint fluorescence.


human world.

Chen Zhiguo, who had just returned from the Blue Clothes Headquarters in Yunhai City, shook his head.

At this time, he actually felt extra sober, and his physical condition was also very good.

"The side effects of the blue pill disappeared?"

Chen Zhiguo checked himself, and there was a gleam of joy on his face, because he felt that all the ghost power he lost had returned.

This is an intuitive reward after escaping from the dungeon, erasing all their bad status.

After a while, Chen Zhiguo opened the door and left the protection cabin.

And came to an office on the top floor.

Indoors, a middle-aged man in his 40s with serious body fat showed a surprised expression when he saw Chen Zhiguo walk in.

"Zhiguo, why did you come out so soon? Is the new copy very simple?"

Think of the little blue pill like a nightmare, and the depressing environment.

Chen Zhiguo's face, which had just recovered, turned pale again.

"Duan Group, that dungeon is an escape dungeon, and I escaped by luck, but the difficulty of this dungeon is definitely at the forefront!"

Hearing this, Duan Jibo's fat face showed a trace of surprise, and he asked questions quickly.


At the headquarters of the magicians in Kyoto, a middle-aged man with a deep breath showed surprise: "You mean Uncle Chen is also in this new dungeon? And he has the ability to open the dungeon door at will?"

The ghost power and mental state have recovered, but the phantom whose hair hasn't grown yet said with lingering fear: "Yes, and if it wasn't for Uncle Chen, no one might be able to escape. Everything that happened inside is like a nightmare. .”


"You mean Uncle Chen hasn't come out yet?"

Yun Bai nodded, seeing the complex look in the Scarlet Queen's eyes, although he was surprised, he didn't dare to ask anything, but said: "Although I don't know what his reason is, but he does seem to be I don't want to leave."

Queen Crimson bit her index finger, full of countless amorous feelings. In the gorgeous hall, she lay lazily on her side on the incense couch, and after pondering for a while, said:

"Understood, record the copy of No. [-] Psychiatric Hospital in detail, and send it to the announcement in the battle group."

Yun Bai nodded, this is a routine operation for new dungeons.

The predecessors recorded the clues of the rules, and the players behind will step on more pits less, greatly increasing the player's survival rate.

For example, if they knew all the information inside when they entered the dungeon, then they would definitely be able to avoid taking medication several times.

Greatly reduce their mental impact, so as to better analyze the movement of escape.

In fact, if it wasn't for the multiple medications, she wouldn't have really gotten to that point with a psycho.

She didn't notice that the drug affected her spirit and thinking ability more.

At least, Yun Bai thinks so...

At this time, all the escaped players were in a special equipment room, recording everything they knew in detail without any reservations.

There may be struggles among humans, but the real enemy is always the horror game and the horror world behind it!

Nine Mental Hospital.

In Ward 302, Lin Chen opened the door and walked in. Looking at Mengka who seemed to be waiting for him inside, Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "I'm here to fulfill my promise..."

Meng Ka, who looked calm but was always anxious inside, finally had a smile on his face.

I don't know why, but his smile gave Lin Chen a strange feeling, and it seemed to be faintly flattering.

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help shivering secretly.

"Thank you, can you tell me your name?" Monka said sincerely.

Lin Chen thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Niu Ritian."

Mengka's expression froze, and he finally said solemnly: "Ritian... I would like to thank you again, you will become my forever friend of Mengka."

Lin Chen nodded noncommittally.

There is a high probability that we will not see it in the future.

Even though Lin Chen will be able to enter the horror world soon, he still doesn't think that he will meet Mengka again by chance.

After all, the horror world is huge. According to Bandage Ghost, the area of ​​Banshan Town where it is located can be compared to Linjiang City where Lin Chen was located before.

And this is just a small town under Mucheng.

The vastness of the entire horror world can be imagined.

In this kind of world, if there is no specific coordinates, it is impossible to see it again.

"The door has been opened, and the boss of the dungeon, the little rain that the old ghost said, will not come out for the time being. You can leave at any time." Lin Chen said.

Immediately, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and continued: "By the way, in those wards, there are still a few human players who were driven mad by the little blue pill. Go search and take them out together."

"This dungeon will not exist in the future, and there is no need to leave someone to be buried with it."

On Xiaoyu's side, Lin Chen had to forcibly rescue her and leave today.

At that time, this dungeon will completely collapse like a demon school and be permanently closed.

Monka nodded solemnly, this request was nothing to him at all.

After watching Mengka leave, Lin Chen took out the pink sack again, and after closing the door, let Director Gui and the others out one by one.

Immediately without waiting for their reaction, he cut his waist on the spot.

The director ghost who resells human organs all the year round and cuts other people's kidneys, his face is full of fear at the moment when the happy blade cuts through the skin.

It seemed that they were even more panicked than the weaker nurse ghosts.

It was only when the incident happened that he felt the despair.

But in Lin Chen's hands, no ghost can break free.

In the end, after handling everything, Lin Chen put them back into the sack and said calmly:

"System, send these guys to see Dong Xiaorou."

There is a ghost body laboratory, which is very suitable for the director to ghost them.

It can help them switch from studying others to being studied by others, and complete qualitative sublimation...

[Succeeded in reselling the vicious god-level director ghost, and obtained God's Guild Coin: 63000]

[Succeeded in reselling the vicious god-level nurse ghost, and obtained God's Guild Coin: 27000]

[Succeeded in reselling the vicious god-level nurse ghost, and obtained God's Guild Coin: 36000]

Director Ghost is a legendary fierce god with a high level, so the price is not low.

Although Director Gui did not show his abilities, it is not difficult for Lin Chen to guess his true identity based on the fact that his ghost power fluctuation is slightly lower than that of Dong Xiaorou.

No. 20 on the Fierce God Potential List: Dark Saber Demon.

Of course, this is the ranking of the original list. Since Lin Chen was on the list, Dark Blade Ghost's ranking has been squeezed to the 21st place.

As for the rest of the nurses, the prices vary.

In the end, Lin Chen got six fierce kidneys and 21 godly coins.

Next, looking at the foolish old ghost, Lin Chen sighed slightly.

Original ghosts like Old Man Ghost are really hard to deal with.

There is really no place to be in a state of insanity.

There is no place that buys back such an old man who can only provide for the elderly, and then takes care of it specially. No one is willing to do this kind of thing even if the money is subsidized.

"System, see if there is a better place for them?"

He didn't mention the ghost body laboratory.

It doesn't matter whether it's the old man ghost or the original ghosts from other wards.

Although they are ghosts, in a sense, they are not completely ghosts, they are just patients who have been mentally tortured.

Even except for the very few patients who have been awake, such as the old ghost, others may not even know that they have become ghosts.

But even in this situation, their behavior still contains a lot of deep meaning.

Uncle Li repeats the action of jumping from the tree every day, wanting to fly out of this courtyard and into the world outside the courtyard.

The old man who dug through the earth is also telling everyone with a loudspeaker that he must escape from this hospital.

Self-harming young people use branches instead of their own arms, which is exposing the ugly side of this hospital.

Even though they were crazy, their subconscious mind was still driving them to warn the newcomers of No. [-] Mental Hospital with all kinds of seemingly weird behaviors.

They were supposed to spend the rest of their lives in ignorance, but life and death were not under their control, and incarnations of ghosts were also involuntary.

But in the bottom of my heart, there is an obsession and kindness that cannot be erased by drugs or life and death.

It's a bit difficult to deal with.

Lin Chen sighed and emphasized: "It's okay to have less money."

[Find the child, rescue the child, and the entire hospital can be redeemed. 】

Lin Chen was taken aback, and then said, "That is to say, can all mentally ill ghosts return to normal?"

[Yes, it will be sold at a good price at that time. 】

Lin Chen: "..."

In the lobby on the first floor, in the side corridor.

Following the black line left by Xiao Yu's mental power, Lin Chen went straight to the deepest point before stopping.

Look down at the floor tiles that are identical to the rest of the place.

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching.

If it hadn't been for Xiao Yu's spiritual aura to be exposed after he came out, Lin Chen would never have imagined that this brat would hide underground!
"Boom! Boom!"

Lin Chen knocked on the floor tiles. Hearing the hollow echo, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile, and said:

"Is anyone home?"

In the dark underground room, the pervasive ghost power shook, and Xiao Yu, who was frantically merging with the green-scaled monster, suddenly froze with disbelief on his face.

how is this possible! ?
How did this come about?


He was a little unwilling to give up, and didn't answer Lin Chen, and continued to fuse with the scale monster. Now it's the last moment. He must successfully integrate all of them before he can overwhelm this terrifying human being!
"Boom! Boom!"

"Xiao Yu, be good, open the door."

The voice came again, it sounded like the big bad wolf coaxing the little white rabbit, the voice was full of tenderness.

But Xiao Yu trembled all over when he heard it, and still ignored it, biting the bullet and continuing to merge.

"Xiaoyu, uncle is coming in."

"do not want!"

(End of this chapter)

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